12ft shoving oar on a 14ft hull - solution performed.

Dave Diefenderfer

Well-known member
With the SBDB I bought came a beautiful 12ft shoving oar, and a 12ft pushpole with Herters foot. I soaked both spars in BLO and would like to use at least the shoving oar. I will build a spot on the trailer to haul the oar when trailering but stowing it on the hull during the hunt is a challenge. I need it handy, but not in the way. What I am leaning toward, is to bore a hole in the upper starboard corner of the front spray shield. Maybe sleeve it with a PVC pipe or funnel to make it easier to throw the oar in when working the rig and have a keeper inside the rear starboard side for the paddle end. It will be higher than the original spray shield, so water intrusion should be minimal, but I am thinking I could "cover" the hole with an overlapped innertube. Years ago, when I was running dogs, I had a co-worker that whined about the pigeons depleting his feeders. I gave him a trap and had him collect them for me to train with. I made a 5gal bucket with holes drilled and a lid that had 2 half circles of innertube that overlapped a couple inches. I could reach through it to grab a bird, but they could not get out, sort of a gasket. I bet that would work to prevent much water from splashing in the hole in the front shield?



I think that I can fit this without being in the way at all.

Thoughts? Suggestions?
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Well, I charged ahead... picked up a plumbing fitting from Home Depot and made it fit. Epoxied and screwed it in place.



Then opened a hole in the back of the blind for the blade. I will only engage this when motoring or when all set up and hunting so the oar is out of the way. When using the oar it will shove in the front hole and lay on the rear coaming. I have the hole sized so that the oar will not slide all the way back and out through the slot, so I should not lose it.


Added some paint last evening, will splash some stencils to blend the additions and call it good.

Still need to come up with a mount for trailering. When traveling out East, I will likely use a cover and the oar will not stow on the hull. Worse case, it will go on the roof rack.
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Amazing work all around on this boat, cant wait to see her in action.

In regards to oar stowage, my new main key feature on my next vehicle purchase is can I safely and securely stow a 7'6" fishing rod inside?
Sounds like you need to buy a new tow vehicle with oar stowage as the primary factor. :)
Dave, how about a two piece shoving pole. Brass or bronze coupler? Like a big cleaning rod. lanyard attaching both sections to prevent loss.
Capt Rich Geminski said:
Dave, how about a two piece shoving pole. Brass or bronze coupler? Like a big cleaning rod. lanyard attaching both sections to prevent loss.

Capt., Brian Garman suggested the same.... I just hated to compromise the vintage oar. It is not a turned shaft, it has been shaped by hand, and the profile would be a real challenge to try to sleeve.

Been away from the interwebs for the past 8 days - on an island off the coast of Finland. Here's how I store and secure Old School Propulsion Devices on South Bays.....

Pushpole 02 - in chock and bail.JPG

Your vessel looks wonderful!

All the best,

