1970 Remington 1100

glad to hear that Ben broke targets with it. They are soft shooting guns and the skeet choke helps to break targets in close on the skeet field. We shot with 3 kids today who all had great days on the clays. Much easier with the open choke and a light 7\8 oz reload vs. a 1 1\8 oz load hitting them hard on the shoulder.

If you find a fixed Mod barrel you have them all covered. The fixed choke barrels are a bit better balanced than the screw choke ones.

John is that an "LW"? I have one that was manufactured in 1971. 28 inch full choke barrel...2 3/4 inch. I shoot lots of doves with it. Back in the lead days my brother and I shot plenty of ducks and a few geese with it. I've always wanted to get a newer barrel with tubes for it so I could shoot ducks with it now without going the Bismuth route. Love that gun!
you have a sweet gun there... very soft recoil...you would do well to buy the Jerry Kuhnansen book... it has a wealth of info ...Many people talk of running the magazine tube "dry" to reduce powder residue buildup...that's OK on the trap range but in wet weather that can lead to corrosion... I used usually put a thin coat of break free clp on the tube...break free was designed for use in the m-16 ...unburnt powder does not adhere to the solvent...

Besides Remington,Hastings used to make quality replacement barrels... sadly, they have gone out of business.. they used to import their barrels from France and make their own choke tubes...you might do well to look for one of them to show up on the used market...if you find a fixed choke barrel (for the right price) you could have a 'smith install a set of tubes for a reasonable price...

2 3/4 should do fine... High velocity steel loads will kill ducks cleanly at reasonable distances and don't eat a hole in the pocketbook .
What does the "LW" stand for? The serial number on this one does start with an "L" and it ends with a "V".

I'm guessing that this one has a 26" barrel. It's a little shorter than my 12 gauge 870.
Where can you find that break free oil?

When I went to oil it after shooting Sunday the o-ring broke. So I will be buying one or two of them within the next week or so (before early goose).
Order it from Midway USA if your local shop doesnt have it. They have the O rings and other parts as well.
break free is sold at most gun shops & sporting goods stores... I know Brownells/Sinclair Intl.(they are separate entities but are partners) carries it... they have an online catalog... If you get on their mailing list they send a catalog that is a firearms enthusiast's Christmas wish book...they also sell the Kuhnhausen book...Is the skeet barrel skeet1 or skeet2?... I use improved cylinder when the ducks are coming in close...and my buddy swears by improved cylinder & modified in his double for over the decoys...