Relocated bears coming in Anchorage, AK there was a problem young male black bear that was trapped a couple of times and moved to the back side of the military base (10 miles). Came back to the trash cans of the hillside in a few days. ADFG moved him to the Kenai wildlife refuge across Cook Inlet. Took about a month for him to get back to town across Turnagain Arm. He did not live much longer after that.
The local waste company and the city have worked together to create bear resistant cans and enforcement policy for areas of town next to wildlands. The cans were tested at the zoo with both brown and black bears and didn't fail. The problem that comes from this is the bears head further into town if they can't get into the trash cans at homes next to the wildlands. Some bears learn the calendar for pick up day, too.
Then the city changed their rules about residential livestock and allowed chicken, rabbit, and goat keeping in lower classes of residential lots. Now the kids get to hear a rabbit scream as its being eaten by a bear. Fun times.
ADFG even publishes guidance on bird feeders and dog food being left out during bear season.
The State has also rebuilt salmon runs in two stream systems through town, which naturally has brought bears right into the middle of town in July and August. Big Wild Life indeed.
The amount of people that complain about bears in their yards drives me nuts some summers. This is bear country. Adapt or stay in Seattle or where ever you came from.