A Couple Pup's Introduction to Birds

Mac Prawdzik

New member
Our bird season up here has been done for a couple months now, but it was a special one that I'd like to share. This fall was Chloes first duck season, as she turned one in September. A lot of time has been put into her by me and my dad Mike, and although she is still learning she put in 110% effort all fall. We both were reminded just how much fun it is to hunt with a retriever. As icing to the cake my girlfriend Britt got a puppy, Poppy, mid season and at 8 weeks she had no fear of guns or boats so she got to come along as well. She's not big on fetching yet but has already decided ducks are wonderful.

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Geez Mac! I can't believe you are all grown up! Time sure flies!

Chloe is the yellow lab? And Poppy the black? Or do I have them mixed up? Either way they are gorgeous pups! Also love their names.

You still fighting fires?

Glad to see you post here

Hey Dani!

Chloe is the yellow one and Poppy is the little black ball of fuzz.

And yes still trying to pretend fire fighting is a real job :p
The only thing better than raising/training a Lab puppy is two lab puppies! Congrats on all your hard work training and congrats on what looks like a successful first season with your new hunting partner!
I sure did enjoy this report on your season and how things went, Mac. To see your yellow, Chloe, at work is worth at least an admission rate of a night on Broadway. Now when you introduced the fuzzball, Poppy had to be having so much fun and excitement that when a shot was fired I am betting that she most likely never heard it because her eyes were fixated on Chloe and what she was doing. Thanks for the pictures and your report.
Hi Mac!! Good to hear from you, its been a while!
Great photos, cant beat puppy pics, especially when ducks are involved.
Great to hear from you all! And yes, watching the pup start to understand her role more and more throughout the fall was pretty special. If it makes you feel any better I'm starting to feel pretty old to!

That's what they keep telling me Dani so I figure I got couple more years to go :)

I'm thrilled you checked in and gave us a Chloe report. You mentioned her effort. That is what makes a retriever. It cannot be trained into them. Everything else will come with time and repetition, but if a dog has no drive it will never happen. I think you are at the beginning of a wonderful time in your hunting career with a new retriever that want to hunt. Congrats and enjoy the ride.
