A day in George Williams decoy shop... aka "the dungeon"

Useing your finger, does that mean that you are going easy on your brushes so they will last you a lifetime. HeHeHe
take care and God Bless
Its all about Building that Bond.
george again offered for me to come over and we would each paint a decoy and for me to see his process.

Are you saying George was just working on one decoy at a time...What's up with that George, I thought you were a decoy maker...not a carver???

Really though, great set of pics, I need to show my wife in an effort to convince her that I'm not really that messy.

Oh well, out to paint six decoys at once :)
Chuck dont forget to use your finger.
take care and God Bless
Its all about Building that Bond.
Bill, i see what you meant by the colors---A bit loud, even for the shop!
Eddie, quite often, when i am painting and blob something, i find that by beating that area or many areas with my finger will really blend the paint nicely.
George when Im blending I tend to use a Brush and not my finger but there again the cave men did not show me how to do that HeHeHe.
take care and God Bless
Its all about Building that Bond.

Ps I will give you a call tomorrow mate
sorry dave, I like your hen redheads. Get a pair of widgeon carved and we can coordinate a day to head over.
I must admit, I like my hen redheads too. Too bad I didn't have any brown eyes left when i carved them. They have straw eyes.....oh the horror!

I'm working on a couple scoters now. I think I can manage to paint these without help.

Very nice Bill...Thanks for sharing. I love photos of other peoples shops. Lets see the end result of your hen redhead!
George a specimen in hand at our age generally involves a trip to the doctor and a test with rubber gloves. :)

Keep up the good work brother. When you're done cranking decoys is about the time they bury you...

God bless! Pat
I'm still amazed when watching you guy's transform a chunk of cork or wood into decoy like that.
Thanks for posting those pics up!
hehe, thats why when we were starting to peal the paint off the eyes, george made then comment "they aren't yellow are they"
That brant was made about 20 or so years ago--Bill Kell, Mike Smyser, Howard Gaines and I made one each--just a challenge, and something to add to our brant rig-Howard and i used ours together a few times--His was more of a gliding pose--on the way home, it lifted out of his boat and was never seen again--We stopped along the road, by Prime Hook, and noticed the loss---drove all the way back to North of Rehobeth, where it was seen last--Bet that darned thing scared the bejeepers out of someone when it rose fro the back of his boat!!
We will stab that one back into the rig when the limit comes up a bit more.
The pole for it is still in the garage. It did make for a curiousity to folks going by in their boats.
Thanks for the story George. It's a great decoy! That's a bummer about the one that got away.................Kevin
one is kind of freeze dried, and the one that Bill brought over needed some readjustments. Interesting to note that during the course of our paint time, we did notice such things as --mine was a juvie, as observed by comparing the tail feathers on both specimens. Even within a species, there is a remarkable difference in coloration and pattern! Part of painting hens is a simple fact--you have a heckuva lot more leeway with them and can exert a lot more license!
no, its always the same weekend as the largest antique gun show on the east coast. All my hobby activities, decoys, dogs and double's always overlap. arghh!!!!