A Different Kind of Bird Hunting

Tom Rowe

Active member
Things to do after duck season closes. Took a couple of my boys out with some new "friends". Conditions were not exactly perfect as the wind was cranking pretty good and the wind chill was below 0. My sons Alex and Nate put in a good 6 to seven miles and loved every minute of it. Just a few pics from todays hunt...

Here is Nate age 6 with Rose and a decent grey.

Here is Alex age 10 with rose and a grey.

Nate with Kit, Z, and an unlucky cotton tail...

Alex, Kit, Z, and a cottontail...

After nearly 7 miles of walking Nate at the end of the hunt...he didn't want to leave.
Cool stuff right there!!

I have always wanted to do that, still have books about Falconry that I bought when I was Alex's age!
I got to tag along with a guy hunting a trio of Harris Hawks in Washington once. Very cool experience and neat to watch them hunting co-operatively.

Cool hawks for sure.

Very good, Tom. Sure enjoyed the pictures of your kids and the birds. Have a guy I know not too far from here and he raises and trains raptors that he normally sells to those in the Middle East. I know he takes his birds duck hunting.
Tom, that looks great - and getting the family out there is even better! Nice to know you get out of that flocking basement and see the daylight! All the best from northern Virginia - we have your snow; 30" on the back deck and not a plow in sight! All the best, Rufus
Really cool way to glad you take the time and effort to train your birds and great that the boys get to share that with the boys. Often thought that hunting with a little flushing dog and a falcon would be a load of fun. If I had the time I would love to give it a try, maybe if i give up hunting ducks, nah that won't do,. Hope the boys keep interested and that you can pass the joy down to them.
Glad you guys enjoyed the pics. We went out again this past Sunday. Weather conditions were better but the hunting wasn't. For some reason not much was moving in the way of small game. We Ended up with 1 flying squirrel and 1 grey.

I'm heading out again on Thursday...Ill try to get some more pics to post up.
I got to tag along with a guy hunting a trio of Harris Hawks in Washington once. Very cool experience and neat to watch them hunting co-operatively.

Cool hawks for sure.


It is amazing to watch the Harris Hawks work. They are very calculating and coordinated in their movements.
Really cool way to glad you take the time and effort to train your birds and great that the boys get to share that with the boys. Often thought that hunting with a little flushing dog and a falcon would be a load of fun. If I had the time I would love to give it a try, maybe if i give up hunting ducks, nah that won't do,. Hope the boys keep interested and that you can pass the joy down to them.

Two of my three boys are completely hooked. Nate, my youngest, took it upon himself to start weight training. According to him, lifting weights Will help him keep up better and make it easier for him to hold the birds longer.