A few birds on the river

Paul Meisenheimer

Well-known member
Saturday evening my wife and I went to visit her mother. My mother-in-law was telling us about the all the ducks on the river. I took the pup out for some relief at about 3 in the morning and I could hear ducks and geese gabbling away. When we got up in the morning Susan took the pup out to stretch their legs in the fresh snow. I grabbed the camera and took a few pictures.





I spotted at least six different species of ducks and of course Canada geese in close proximity to each other.
Yes, duck and goose season is all over with and they all got the NEWS letter it was over ,so you all will see this same scene as well as I did this past Sat.I saw more ducks and geese in one evening than I saw all season.But thats good they are thriving, more for next season.
I thought you told me once that no can, let alone any duck, had ever visited Ohio.
Great pictures, Paul. That had to be fun.
I thought you told me once that no can, let alone any duck, had ever visited Ohio.
Great pictures, Paul. That had to be fun.


We get a few that are blown off course by big storms and the random escapee from the zoo.
The river in that particular spot was full of thousands of birds for several hours in the morning. Around 10 am they started to get up and fly and within an hour there were only a few hundred left.

Funny how quickly they forget the pressure of hunting season.

John, I believe the reason there are no cans in Ohio is that they all stop here. LOL

Al, I wish I had your talent, camera and light to take pictures. What the heck, I wish you were here to take them too. They would all turn out better. :)

Thanks for looking!
A "FEW"? I would hate to see what you call a pile or a bunch!!

There are probably more cans in that first pictures than we have on the whole Mobile Bay system in one winter.
Very cool pics, I think I will come up next year and set up on the end of that dock!
There's a few there. I wish I had a camera, I was watching birds come into a "no hunt zone" I watched cans come in by the hundreds and bluebills come in by the thousands. I also sat there and watched some saw bills troll through like they were lost.

I took some guys hunting trying to get them on some cans earlier this year. Well I succeeded on the last group. We had them coming into the decoys of 50+ in a group and I told them not to shoot due to the 1 bird limit. We held out and probably 3 of the best bull cans you could ask for raped the longlines and they had there trophies.
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I happen to keep a boat on the end of the dock when the river isn't frozen. :)

This past season the limit on redheads and cans was four but I hear it will likely be six next year. It has been approved in principle.
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I thought you told me once that no can, let alone any duck, had ever visited Ohio.
Great pictures, Paul. That had to be fun.


We get a few that are blown off course by big storms and the random escapee from the zoo.
John, Oh they come through as soon as the lakes get ice off them in MARCH! UUgh enough to drive a guy crazy, but every spring i go out looking for them. Drake Rudies courting hens, Very cool to watch. It amazes me what you see in spring, but never in fall. I think it gives me hope for every fall only to be crushed by the armpit of Ohio waterfowling.

Al, if they do come by in Ohio they're either lost or banished from the migration in the fall;)

ha ive been hunting for 10 years hoping for a shot at one of those and the best ive been able to do is 2 hens in all that time that i thought were other divers when i shot. I have seen drakes on 3 occasions in my lifetime. Alot of those years I hunted big water 20+ days a season when my schedule allowed. Did manage a eurasion widgeon one year but still no can! Guess you just got to be in the right place..