A salute to all veterans and those.....

Ed, great thread to start. Let me wish my fellow brothers and sisters in arms a very special thank you on this Veterans Day. May God keep you and your family safe as you go in harms way. The work you do is truly appreciated, especially by those that have walked where you have walked. Countless people around the globe are better off today because of what you have done and what you continue to do. Your sacrifices are many and our rewards are great. Thanks for standing the post and shouldering arms. Fair winds and following seas. Avaition Machinists Mate Senior Chief Petty Officer (Aviation Warfare Specialist) United States Navy (Retired) David E. Church
Thank you to all who have been or are still, in military service. Your dedication is appreciated and necessary for all of us to feel safe at night.
A salute to all our men and women who are serving or who have served. You are the best of us all . Thank you for what you do !

Dave B
Thanks to all veterens for your courage, and service for this country keeping us free. Thanks Gramps (big red 1 WWII) Thanks Dad (608th AC&Wsq "the forgotten squadron" Korea, THanks Uncle Eugene (Korea, Brnze star, purple heart) Thanks Uncle David (airborne Vietnam). Special thanks to all who serve around the world at this moment wherever you may be our thoughts and prayers go out to each of you and your families.
Sorry Ed, I didn't see your post before I inserted mine. Thanks!
wis boz
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Not a problem Wis Boz....Glad your still with us. Your story crossed my mind as well. I was telling the guys at work this morning I know a guy that survived that storm. I work with a lot of hunters and I had the attention of the office.

Take care,

Ed L.
Thank you to all who have been or are still, in military service. Your dedication is appreciated and necessary for all of us to feel safe at night. ---------------------- * Thank you Pete. I am a Viet Nam era vet. Many of us lost friends. The thing that bothers me is that we are not as free as we once were. It saddens me. * Tracked vehicle mechanic, Specialist 4th class, 2/77th armor division. * Dave
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