A Stool Boat for Cassiopeia

Good morning, Tim~

Definitely a 2-man job. The Helmsman (aka Choreographer Kessler) handles the boat and the "crew" (TBD) handles the trawls. The 2 forward compartments are a bit longer than the aft compartments and so the forward compartments hold the longer trawls. The shorter trawls (in the aft compartments) are set first. The crew can either stand partly in the aft hold as he begins to feed out the trawl or make room early in the process. The crew stands in the aft compartments to set the longer trawls.

Vicey-versey when picking up the rig.

At this stage, it is a bit theoretical - although Schuyler Watts, Brandt Rising and Red Oster all use this approach. I hope to watch the procedure - morning's entertainment? - with camera at hand, out of Harm's Way. Your reference to Broadbill Ballet is in the right ball park - 'cause Swan Lake it surely ain't!

All the best,

Steve, Great job as always, I like the engine, I had one as a kid and it was old then, but always started on one or two pulls.
As for the crew, SIGN ME UP
Warning, partial thread hijack:

Thanks for reminding me about Sailrite, Steve, I have been looking for cloth-to-cloth snaps for my TDB blind. While placing my order, I also found some 2" wide plastic tapered sail battens that will work as supports with my altered rain roof(removed the stock zipper and installed a pair of YKK #10 open two-way zippers on each side of the roof panel),since the previous owner removed the rainroof at the sewn-in seam. I need to sew some retention pockets on the underside edges along the zipper margins(8) to hold the batten ends. This will bow the roof a bit to enhance drainage,however, with the two-way zippers in place now, the roof panel also serves to "close" the cockpit opening from overhead birds working-in, while allowing individual opening adjustment at each end for the shooters. I assume it will also keep the boat interior warmer, but I will need something better resembling winter to determine that.

I replaced the forward panel snaps with turn-buttons to better handle any large waves that may over-run the bow, which is likely your reasoning on the forward tarp section Cassiopeia,too.

p.s. I cut two 6' 3/4" diameter hardwood dowels into 1.5' lengths and the used my drill press and doweling jig to drill 1/4" holes on center in each end piece to epoxy a series of fiberglass plant support rods into each successive end. After the epoxy dried, I sanded them down and inserted them as internal braces for the blind support tubes-vast improvement of stock the models, particularly when you have to lean on them in a chop or when entering or exiting the boat. Thanks for the heads-up on this design flaw.
I've been thinking of changing the current snaps to the twist lock fasteners when I replace my spray dodger. Thanks for posting the information.

You guys in LI must have a good sense of humor. Every time I see stool boat I'm expecting to see a floating turd. Good looking boat nice canvas.


Cap'n Kessler reports that BROADBILL floats....not a given when working with an old tin hull.....


I will not get to board her until early in January.

All the best,
