A tribute to (River) my American Water Spaniel

So sorry to hear of your loss Gary.

I was excited to see that you had a new post until I realized what it was about.

Most of us have been down your road.

I too am coming off of a relationship with a "Dog of a lifetime" She will probably never be equalled.

It's won't be easy, but give your new dog a fair chance. He may not be River, but I promise he'll grow on ya!

And I know I am not the only one around these parts, who is anxiously awaiting to see pictures of you and Storm.

All the best my friend,

Gary - I am truly sorry for your loss. For the kind of wounds you have endured my friend, only God can heal. As far as getting past it, unfortunately, we never truly do. We always need to remember. I still carry Callie's collar in my shell bag with me at all times when I duck hunt. I'll never forget her nor, do I want to. I think of her everytime I hunt.

As far as hunting again, strange as it sounds, River would want you to. As a matter of fact, she'd be dissappointed if you quit. She would never want you to stop. She'd want you to take that IWS pup of yours and hunt it like you did River. She'd want you to give it every opportunity to excel like she did from the opportunities you gave her.

You have many more great memories to be made my friend. You will be in my prayers brother. Godspeed! Pat
Gary, Sorry to hear about River, a good dog is hard to replace and a great dog even harder, Just remember time heals all wounds and I'm sure in time you will grow with the new pup and the two of you will become one minded.


A very appropriate tribute to an outstanding partner.
She is definitely looking down approvingly, with that IWS grin.
I have always loved the way she perched upon the dodger in a manner that confirmed that boat was hers.

So sorry for your loss Gary.

Best - Paul
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Gary - your words and images have done River proud.
Thank you for sharing them with us.
Clearly, you helped River to become a great retriever.
I, for one, like the pup's chances with your help.
Here's hoping that you have many bright days ahead.
You deserve nothing less.
Gary, So sorry for your loss. Words are never adequate, but many of us know the joys and sorrows of a having that special bond you shared with River..

What great pictures of a wonderful friend. Every hunter should be as fortunate to have as good a dog as River.

Every hunting dog should be as fortunate to have as a good a friend as you.

So sorry to hear of March's passing. You and her were indeed a team and everyone here fully understands your loss. My heart and prayers go out to you this day.
I have always found an interesting parallel between our dogs serving their master and us serving our Master. Our dogs seem to do it so much better. Our Master gives us opportunities in life and we choose to follow them or not. And we have to give our pups opportunities and they live to follow them.
Gary, thanks so much for the tribute to River and I am looking forward to the future post of your adventures with Storm in the beautiful country God has provided. So here's to the many grouse and waterfowl the two of you will be blessed with in the future.
Gary, I am truly sorry for your loss. River was a great companion. Remember nothing heals broken hearts like puppy breath. Lets plan on putting some birds in front of a new pup soon.
Gary, I am sorry for your loss, too. But, as they say, "time will heal the wound". That new pup will change your outlook and it won't be long and she'll be bringing birds to you just like River did. Good luck!! John
So very sorry for your loss, from your posts on the DHBP, I know that River was one heck of a dog and a hell of a friend to you.

I think this will be the first stage to healing the loss River has left. I am pleased you have had the experience in your life to meet the perfect friend. Mine was a English springer called Tor he is the dog I judge all other dogs by
Everything I did with him seemed all the better for him being there.

Your new IWS won't be able to replace river, but give him a chance and he to may find a place in your heart, or at least become a good friend..
So sorry to hear of your loss. When I first started following this website, it was you and River's photos/exploits that I enjoyed most. I've even given serious consideration in an American Water Spaniel being my next dog of choice some day. No, you can never replace a companion and all the memories that go with them but you can start a new chapter with your new dog. (I know, easier said than done.)..........Good Luck!
Sorry for your loss, glad you were able to make all those memories with her. It is amazing all she was able to do. You two were lucky to be teamed up together.

I hope the new pup works out for you.

Take care,
A great tribute to both you and River. Always enjoyed your posts and will look forward to more with your new pup. Many have said "the wound heals" but we know they leave scars.
wis boz
Gary for sorry for your loss. I spent a 15 minute lift ride yesterday telling stories about Gus, my AWS who died in 2007. I can remember when I joined this site and first saw your pictures- I was thrilled to see another curly haired, yellow-eyed hound getting it done.

All the best.
