
You don't have grits in Iowa---come on:):);-)
wis boz

You tell that to my wife!!!! Sarah makes some AMAZING Shrimp and Grits... as well as Cheesy grits!!!!!
I do love me some Dinty More Beef Stew!!!! Sarah.. not so much!
Am I reading that wrong, or did Phil just say he prefers Dinty Moore to Sarah?

Well, thats the way I read it but,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I'm not going to be the one to tell Sarah.
PBR and Shaffer are for beginners- I miss a warm can of 'Gannsett, or a cool bottle of Black Label. If you can drink BL, you could drink anything -and at 6 am.


Good to see you here, Hutch. I guess East Outlet must have slowed down and let you think about ducks again? Got a seat in the MMB boat for you any time, but I wouldn't bother, if I were you. Been wicked slow. Maybe a GSB trip towards Christmas for whistlers?
Love Dinty Moore.. my wife insists on making her own stew's so she'd disagree. I would be hung if I ate canned stew anymore, now I'm back on the family Angus Ranch. But between us, Dinty can't be beat.
Now, and not to one-up Worth, Nalley's Original Chili is right up there...even as recently as 20 years ago, I had to have my folks ship it to me when I was stationed in Cleveland. It was better than X-mas when those can's showed up. Now I'm retired and back home I buy it by the case. No canned chili even comes close, and I've been nation wide.-Seth
ps. Just had a flash back, once upon a time our SS (Subsistence Specialist/cook) got sent TAD to a Class C school for something related to "Death from Within." Well I got stuck cooking for a crew of 19..Dinty Moore saved me from a keel-haulin'. Still crack's me up..."Hey Freeman what's the recipe for that stew it's awesome!"
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Now wait a minute. You guys are getting away from the important subject at hand: Dinty Moore Beef Stew. Having said that, remembering back on old famous beers is fun. Out here in the Northwest we certainly had them! Blitz, Olympia, Rainier, Lucky Lager, Heidelberg. And those were about all that were sold. It was hard to find Bud or Miller. But things have taken a major change for the better--with our many craft breweries. Best, Worth Mathewson

Ahhh Raaaaaaaain Eeeeeeeeaaarr Beeeeeeeeer!!!! When they sold out, I wept. The Lucky's were cool too, because of the riddle under the cap.-Seth
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Boys, boys, boys Sarah is not on this page so it really doesn't matter what I said.

That being said my statement was that I like Dintt Moore beef stew and my statement was that Sarah does not. There was no comparison to the culinary skills of my wife vs a corporation and put things in a tin can.
Instant grits are an evil concoction developed by the makers of oatmeal and cream of wheat to try to make people think grits are not food-worthy and eat more oatmeal and cream of wheat instead.
My understanding is that instant grits are illegal in more than one southern county....

Breakfast Grits are best made with a combination of milk & water. Add butter, salt & pepper. No sugar.

Cheese grits should be made with chicken stock and either cheddar or yellow American cheese, and lots of it. Salt & pepper. Serve with a helping of Shrimp Creole.
Great post! I used to eat Dinty Moore almost weekly as a kid. I don't even remember the last time I've had it. I need to get a can and re-live childhood memories. My Mom would make grilled cheese sandwich with it.
While I enjoy a can of Dinty Moore I can honestly say that I am sure I have had grits but a check of the memory bank indicates it was wholly forgotten. Not something we see a lot of around here.
Dinty Moore is the best as far as hurricane rations go. Post Katrina, we survived on Dinty Moore and frog legs. I had a huge pack of frog legs (hundreds) and we had a bunch of bleach bottles full of water frozen in the freezer that I use to ice things down on trips. Put those in my ice chest and kept those frog legs cold for several days. We ate them every night until they were gone and we were sick of them, then switched to Dinty. Didn't loose any weight! Dinty Moore is also down at the camp for those times when your expecting to kill or catch supper and it doesn't work out like you planned.

For those up north who think they don't like grits: try them with shrimp. Shrimp, grits and cheese. Latest thing in these parts.
