Almost Over...


First, thanks so much for taking the time and effort to share these videos. I enjoy them immensely for the entertainment factor, and find them really helpful in my hunting endeavors (especially since it appears that many of the places you hunt in New Jersey share a lot of characteristics with where I hunt here in the very salty state of Rhode Island).

Your current boat is inspiring me to try to set up my tiny gunning jonboat to be able to hunt from behind a flapper board (only shooting over the transom, because it's a little too cramped to shoot over the side).

The initial motivating factor is the back and butt pain that seems to accompany a day of shooting sneakbox-style for me lately (guessing it's an age-related thing).

Just curious if you'd be willing to say how high off the floor is the part of your chair that you sit upon, and whether you (and/or your dad) have noticed an appreciable comfort increase being setup in this new position (versus, I assume, sitting on a chair on your sneakbox's floor)?

Thanks for any info you care to share.

Steve O
Thanks everyone. To answer some of your questions:

It's a 12ft Roy Schellinger high boat. I find it is very comfortable to hunt out of, moreso than my sneakbox (but I was super comfortable in my sneakbox too). You do lose the all weather protection from a baby carriage style canvas that I have on my sneakbox, but the fiberglass flapper boards block the wind 100% so it isn't any colder than the sneakbox. I still use my momarsh seat from the sneakbox, just on top of a cut down milk crate for height.

Here's some photos to show the seating setup.

I have the height adjusted to put my eyes just above the top of the boards.



That's a really nice setup man. I been thinking about getting something made for hunting from, rather than bringing a layout blind all the time and anchoring the boat down the marsh.
Don't think I'd find a Roy high boat though lol
As usual, Amazing video Craig. I expected nothing less from you. I love your videos and your photos. You sure know how to capture the moment. Looking forward to the completed version. Great looking rig.
Here's a good shot I don't think I posted earlier. GoPros also work well for when you want that hero shot but you're alone.


Here's a good shot I don't think I posted earlier. GoPros also work well for when you want that hero shot but you're alone.


It's a bummer you have to motor all the way up and over that mountain range to get to the launch! :)

I can relate to you though on having to lie hide and keep your spots secret. Also it's nice to see traffic in the background of the video. Some spots we hunt aren't very rural either

Craig, Great video, You really get my heart pumping seeing those Hunting trips. It brings back found memories of my earlier yrs & all the great shoots & times I had enjoying the Sport I really miss not being able to go, for my health issues havent allowed me. Thanks for Sharing. Wish you well with the season Rap up this week.
You've never seen the great snowy mountains in Ocean County? Ha ha I don't hunt any secret spots but no need to put everything out there all the time so I have my fun with photoshop. I tell guys all the time it's more about the 'when' than the 'where' gotta be there when the birds are.
Also it's nice to see traffic in the background of the video. Some spots we hunt aren't very rural either

I was thinking the exact thing! Most of my best spots are within sight of downtown Mobile and the adjacent shipyards

A couple of questions about your vessel:

1. What do you sit on (i.e., how high off the floor) ?

2. How high is it from florr to the top of your side flaps ?

All the best,


Steve -

I sit on a milk crate cut in half for height with a momarsh invisilounge seat on top of that. Every owner I've spoken to who has a high boat has a different seating solution but I have found this works for me. I can stash the milk crates and invisilounges up under the bow out of the way when not in use.

I want to say it's 24" or so from the floor to the hinge on the side flaps, and they are 16" tall themselves. I am not positive the exact depth from the floor to the top of the flaps but I can measure.

My seating configuration:


And another pic, waiting to call the shot.


You just drop the flaps to shoot and you have a wide open shooting lane.


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Man your videos are top notch!

What editing program do you use?

I'm just now starting out making my videos. I'm limited to one camera so they're a little "mono-tone" so to speak.
And now it is over...

Hunted the second to last day, but for pheasants instead of ducks. It was my dad's english setter's first birthday so it worked out that he got to celebrate with an upland hunt. What a great bird dog already and it really is a joy to hunt over a pointer after having labs forever.


For the last day of duck season I decided I had enough torture for once and did an easy morning high tide hunt and left the afternoon blowout low tide for the die hards. I was fortunate enough to have two single mallards work in over the course of the morning, pretty as a picture at 10 yards and I shot well enough to only need two shells. I figured that was a good way to end it and start the long countdown to next season.

