Alumacraft Ducker kayak paddle

Dave Bokovay

New member
I've recently acquired a ducker and although it's got the original aluminum oars I'm tempted to try a kayak paddle as I prefer to look forward. Has anyone tried a kayak paddle and if so what length.
cant really advise on which paddle to use but would love to see some pics of the ducker!
I don't own one either and can't say how it would paddle but would really like to have one just to look at and wonder the adventures these boats have been on during their lifetime. Enjoy that iconic piece of waterfowl history.

I've been in one with two of us and canoe paddles, and it was, to say the least, challenging. I suspect just one person with a kayak paddle would work better, but I think given the beam you'd want a really long kayak paddle, and should still expect it to be less than optimal.

Why not just backrow facing in the direction of travel? They actually row quite well.
The kayak paddle manufactures have a formula for paddle length on their sites. Goes by width of hull. Don't get one that's to short or it will work you to death.
A few pics will need a looong kayak paddle, kayak sites suggest 98 inches, collectively the oars are 126 inches. I'll probably try 110 inch kayak paddle.. 20220913_171759 (1).jpg20220918_092057.jpg
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I owned a ducker and used a kayak paddle. You need a really long paddle to clear the gunnels and the width (which I had) but it still didn't paddle worth a darn. Had to put a cushion on the rear deck and paddle from there but then to get the paddle in the water it would go in at a really steep angle and water would constantly drip on me from the paddle in the air. In MN, cold freezing water anywhere is not good. Sold the ducker.

Loved the nostalgia of owning it, just didn't like it to hunt out of. Hard to paddle, cold, and noisy any time you moved a little bit.

Does anyone make a stand up paddleboard kayak type of paddle?