I don't suspect any of this inventory shortage or panic buying to end.....maybe ever. The current administration along with all the "liberal progressives" are going to be trying to grab guns every chance they get for the foreseeable future. Also, manufactures are backordered for 1-2 years on everything you can possible imagine. There won't be new inventory to put on the shelves for a year even if all the panic goes away. I also believe a whole new generation of folks are learning a valuable lesson from these circumstances. I suspect people are going to continue to stockpile guns and ammo. The message is, "if you want a gun you'd better buy it now along with a lifetime supply of ammo and parts to go with it". If you don't, you may never have the opportunity to buy one again, or if you just buy the gun, you may not be able to use it without the ammo.
Don't expect to find any deals after this panic subsides. People who paid $1 a round for 5.56, or $2000 for a regular ol' AR are not going just sell them for half what they invested. They wouldn't have purchased those items unless they feared they would loose the ability to obtain them. There is no reason to believe this sentiment will change. If the "normal" market does return these people will just stockpile more guns and ammo, not sell it. After all, people dropping $1 a bullet probably aren't going to need the money.
Reloading? There is the same shortage and price hike going on in the reloading department as well. I challenge any of you to find a FMJ 55 grain .224 bullet anywhere. Primers? good luck.
Wouldn't it be interesting to see how much stuff everyone would buy right now if there was an unlimited supply of product and no price hike? It would be incredible.
And, "sorry for rambling", I bet all this panic buying is scaring the shit out of our rulers.
The end.