An ending that left a good memory of the '08-'09 season

MLBob Furia

Well-known member
On Friday, my good friend Dan and I had the opportunity to hunt fields where I have permission. We had originally planned on a Wednesday hunt after I had hunted there alone on Monday.

On Tuesday, we had major snow, then an ice storm, then more snow. Level 3 road emergency was posted, so we bagged Wednesday and spent Thursday running other errands. We had our doubts about trying Friday, but opted for a late start (I picked him up at 9:15) and a try at one last hunt for the year. I was hoping I wouldn't get my truck stuck down in the corn bottoms. I never hunt these particular fields on the weekends, since I know that those days are the only days the landowner's sons and their friends get to hunt.

When we arrived, there were already about four trucks and an equipment trailer out in the field - the sons & friends had all taken a day off to hunt the last two days of the season (Fri-Sat). Fortunately, they knew who I was, and were gracious enough to invite us to sit in with them. One of the sons told Dan that he had been rabbit hunting the day before and had seen "about a thousand geese" gathered in the spot in the field where they were setting up [as a fellow waterfowler I knew that meant there had been at least 300 ;-)]. Sure enough, there were lots of goose tracks all over the fresh snow dusting from Thursday afternoon.

One of the best things was that we never even had to unload our decoys from the truck! Just had to help finish setting out the 300 or so decoys that these guys had all pooled (... a few more that the 5 doz. we had planned on using).

After that, we shoveled some depressions in the snow for our layouts, parked the trucks (even got ferried back out in a gator!), loaded up, and were set. All afternoon, The geese put on a show, and everyone left with his two bird limit. After I had taken my birds, it was a thrill to just lay there and watch the birds work. Most of us had flags that we used when birds were a long way off, but other than that, I don't think anyone touched a call except for one guy who occasionaly did some soft calling and clucks when birds were working (and very well I might add!) .

While we were helping stow gear at the end of the day, they said: "You guys are coming back tomorrow, aren't you?" Now those are some good people! It was tempting, but I was satisfied to end on a great note. It's been a wonderful season for this old retired guy. Today I stayed home and will start to put up gear and clean a few geese. When the weather breaks in a few weeks and the sloughs open up, I'll probably be back down at the River setting out decoys and shooting with a camera.

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Bob, this reminds me of something my dad used to say: "Never hunt on the last day of the season. If you are still alive, healthy and happy, stay home and count your blessings". Considering the ice, wind storms, near freezing water temps, driving in blizzards, etc we deal with in the late season in northern NY, its sound advice. I have adopted the same philosophy and never really regretted it. Thanks for sharing your season and carving talent with us. - Jim B
since none of your decoys were included......was pretty bummed out till the last picture which included that incredibly real looking frond decoy trailer in the photo.....I swear those rivet heads look just like the real thing.......great job....

Seriously though, I've been needing to post to thank you for the duck call that you carved and that I picked up from John over Christmas....killed the last duck of my season after talking with him with thatt call....sounds everybit as good as it looks.....THANKS...



I was just happy that that trailer didn't have any "Pro-Staff," or call-maker logos plastered all over it. These guys were good hunters and let the birds work - especially the big flocks. I knew they were guys we wanted to hunt with, when they told us up front to put the calls away and use our flags 'cause that's what had been working.

Glad you liked the duck call; wish they had a little more "break" in tone at the top end. I'm looking into the possibility of buying better inserts or investing in a tone board jig. No grand scheme in mind, just would like to a better job on the sound. Wooster used to tell me it sounded like a black duck.

Here ya go - taken on my last day of duck hunting with Doug :

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Great read Bob and I love the shot of the lab - looks like a grin to me !

Spent the day over the goose decoys in the salt today - no chances but I might have gotten some good duck pics - if so will post when I thaw out.
