An uncarved fish---NDR


Well-known member

Oncorhynchus mykiss in spawning colors portrait

Sometimes I want to paint without carving something so I decided to try some watercolors. Been a few before this but I'm getting happier with what I'm doing. I haven't tried a duck yet.
Honest critiques welcome.

Anyone else paint with watercolors here?

Great pic. Very nice indeed. Only critique from me would be a slight bend in the body to mimick a swimming action. Still, very nice.
Thanks guys.

It started out as just a portrait of the fish but once I added the rocks and weed it does make me wish I had added a little motion to the fish... but that's easier said then done at my skill level. :)

I fully understand the skill level part. You may have found a niche you could step into and make some change for shells and gas money during season or more. Just try and add a little extra on each consecutive pic. and you'll get there. You can bet any artist has progressed the same. Slowly, one project at a time. You are doing very well indeed.
That as cool as hell. I personally have NO artistic talent. I wish I did. It made me hungry.
Thank you Tod and Dave.

That is very nice, what size is it?

9x12 fishy is about 10"

I know I have a long way to go to where I hope to be. Shading and highlights are taking some time.
