An Update---

I do have moments of normality---just fleeting however!

I am a little confused,,,,,,,,,,, are we talking about about Al or Chaco ?????

Well, Dave, you now have me wondering about that-----hmmm. You caught me!
I am going with the crazy dog theory. We should start a thread of crazy dog pictures. I have a few of those myself.

As for Scott's question of how folks lived with bad knees years ago, consider that they didn't have to live with it quite as long. Humans are living longer every generation.
115 degrees of flexion...
walking with 1 crutch.....
You are doing great!!!!!!!
Glad to hear such a positive update.
Glad to hear you're doing well. Pretty soon you'll be rid of the walker and crutches. I was estatic the day mine was donated to Goodwill after the second knee replacement.

Promise that you'll be careful until you're off the cumadin and, like I mentioned to you before, do your home exercises between PT appointments.

Here's to a pain-free, albeit slower, waterfowl season for you.
115 degrees of flexion...
walking with 1 crutch.....
You are doing great!!!!!!!
Glad to hear such a positive update.

Thanks so much, David. Today, I walked from the truck into the place where I have physical therapy---no crutch or walker. It felt wonderful but I did watch my step---
Glad to hear you're doing well. Pretty soon you'll be rid of the walker and crutches. I was estatic the day mine was donated to Goodwill after the second knee replacement.

Promise that you'll be careful until you're off the cumadin and, like I mentioned to you before, do your home exercises between PT appointments.

Here's to a pain-free, albeit slower, waterfowl season for you.

Chris, what a coincidence that you brought up coumadin. I got my bi-weekly call from a nurse in charge of reading my blood. They had me on a certain dosage and when she called she said, "Mr. Hansen, your blood is right where we want it. Looks great. Please continue with the same dosage of coumadin as we had you on last week. We'll see you this coming Tuesday (today) for your bloodwork.
I then said, "I just wanted you to know that I had three (3) bloody noses this morning." Slight pause. "Mr. Hansen, discontinue your coumadin immediately and you no longer need to come in for blood work."
I am going with the crazy dog theory. We should start a thread of crazy dog pictures. I have a few of those myself.

As for Scott's question of how folks lived with bad knees years ago, consider that they didn't have to live with it quite as long. Humans are living longer every generation.

Paul, that is a great idea. Some day we will start a "crazy dog" picture thread. I already know that Gary March has a ton of pics of his pup, River. I keep on thinking of the one he took of her playing in the snow. It was superb!