Gonna try and make it down this year I'm looking for some cork pintails. don't really have much I'm looking to get rid of at this point other then a beavertail blind and a gus heinriches sneakbox
Luke and I'll be there. Maybe even the wife and daughter but I'm not holding my breath! Going to bring some shrimp and macaroni salad and probably some stuff for sausage sandwiches.
I'm also bringing some plastic diver decoys, buffies, bluebills, ringers etc. Most are rigged and ready to go. Some have never been used. For sale or trade. That and whatever else duck related stuff that doesn't need to be taking up space in my barn. I'm always on the look out for both carved and foam working birds, mostly divers and sea ducks.
Boy, this sure sounds like a good time.

I have a boat, lots of toys and candy to barter with, I'm probably a better than average picnic cook with all of the gear, and would love to be there.

However, with a seven and a half hour drive, and other obligations, I just can't swing it.

Have fun guys and gals!

I'll be hoping for great weather for you all!

Post up lots of pictures

I'll bring the grill and some dogs and brats...something to drink, and something sweet. An assortment of odds and ends for decoys. Anyone have small/medium hunting clothes that no longer fit you.... they might fit me!
My apologies to all, I already had texted Yash and Gene. I've had a rough couple days. Was in bed until noon today. I am not going to be able to make the drive to NJ tomorrow. Bummed, as I look forward to the get-together each year. I'll see you all in September.
John O I appreciate you putting this together. It was a good time we traded stories, stuff and shot the breeze.