Another phone call you don't want


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Well, after a week and a half of hunting and then going straight to work afterwards, I decided to sit out the morning hunt today. I had considered going out to one of the management areas close by but decided with everything that needs to be done it'll never get done if I don't do it today. This morning I received a call from one of my partners saying that one of them was shot. I don't normally hunt with the gentleman who was shot as he's more a friend of my friend, but we do hunt together and he's a good guy.

Apparently what happened is that they were sitting on the edge of the pond, on their dove stools with Ginger (dog of the man who was shot) at heel. Ginger is a mutt lab mix...brown lab with white blaze on her chest and face. Someone snuck up on them, at 25 yards, thinking Ginger was a deer (deer season is out on that management area now) and shot at her with a load of #2 buckshot. Because she was at heel, not only did Ginger get shot, but so did her owner.

They both had to be lifeflighted out since the ambulance couldn't get out there...Ginger died on the way to the emergency vet. I guess that overall he's pretty lucky since supposedly there was little nerve damage and the buckshot didn't penetrate and hit any major veins or arteries.

But he's still in the trauma unit...not sure yet if they're going to do surgery or not...but so far he's been "lucky"

Man, I hope they got the shooter. There is absolutely no excuse for that. I hope they throw the book at him.
that is just not right. I am thinking of your friend and his loss of his dog.
We can only hope that the universe catches up to the dope on the end of the other shotgun.

First off I hope the fella recovers from his injuries. Recovering from the mental anguish may take even longer. My sympathies are with him.

As to what happened, I hesitate to call something like this an "accident". Nothing accidental about intentionality pulling the trigger of a firearm. Failure to identify your target is inexcusable. I hope the guy that pulled the trigger never has an opportunity to do so again. It's not like he had to make a split second decision to fire the shot.
Well, I don't know what the shooter was seeing or thinking he was seeing, but once he realized what he did, he stuck around and was begging forgiveness...we shall see what happens with it all...

My best to him on his recovery. Sorry about the pup.
Dave is right that is not a hunting accident. I never understand how people shoot at flashes of fur or things that look sort of like an animal. That is negligence not an accident.

My best to him on his recovery. Sorry about the pup.
Dave is right that is not a hunting accident. I never understand how people shoot at flashes of fur or things that look sort of like an animal. That is negligence not an accident.


Dani, my best to him on the recovery. I agree completely with Tim's comment. That is why I won't go in the woods during gun season for deer. I stick to the archery season on private property.
forgive, prosecute, and sue for loss of animal, hospital, and anything else your bud can think of--Shooting at a non-identifiable target is just negligence!!
Lost a friend some years back on a preserve in New Hampshire to an idiot who scoped and shot him as a wild boar!!
Prayers for his quick recovery.
Dani, So sorry to hear about your friend and his dog. You just can't be too careful out there. Glad to hear you wern't there, sometimes we are just lucky.
That's horrible; sorry to hear about that. I hope your friend will be o.k. The only surprising thing about the story its that is someone you know, however, and not something you read in the papers. There are so many bozos out there walking around in the woods that this time of year if I'm out on my own land even just to walk with the dog down my driveway I always wear hunter orange. There's a local area around here I could hunt woodies and teal on and maybe even a few mallards but don't because I am aware of the lunatic fringe that is out in this area hunting deer. I don't know what the solution to the problem is. Hunter education isn't doing the job. This is just more ammunition for the anti hunter, anti gun crowd too.

Dani ,

That is my worst nightmare ! I always to look around the marsh closely when i set up early on just to see if there is anyone , it not a guarantee that there is anyone on the other side but it eases my mind a little . What happened to that guy and his dog is unacceptable 1st thing they teach is to identify your intended target , last year a guy shot his son here in RI after his son remeved his orange vest while dear hunting for whatever reason and his dad mistaken him for a deer and shot him ! It is an accident but a heck of a way to learn a lesson for both farther and son , Prayers and thoughts go out to all involved !!!

Dave M
Hope your friend recovers and glad you weren't in the area. What would somebody be hunting using #2 buckshot?
wis boz