I have access to a couple of free old sunfish that I could convert but unfortunately don't have time or space to store another boat.
I can help with pic uploads, should be able to access my email via my profile. send them to me and i will post them.
Filled each with 2lb floatation foam.
I then used 1/4? marine plywood (coated in epoxy) to close them up.
Three screws and 5200 to keep in place.
Sealed with glass and resin.
I have a Sunfish hull I was considering making into a layout boat. I just don't need another boat to work on right now though. If we get the urge to go after sea ducks I might do it.
I like the motorwell concept. Most I have seen cut the last 2 feet off the hull and lose the potential flotation. Think you will need abit more power but my first sneakboat had a 4 hp.
At this stage I would lather up the exposed plywood surfaces with epoxy to seal it and float test it before you go to far. See how it trims out with you and the motor and approximate load. Right now it's a guess. My concern would be given it's a sailboat hull it may squat in the stern a bit. my 2 cents
Nice work all around. As you note, she's essentially a displacement hull - with lots of rocker in her keel. I expect a 3 - 5 horse will be just the ticket. Not fast - but steady and not stern heavy.
Just for future reference, if someone is looking for a hull, I think a Laser would be a better choice as it is more of a planning hull. Though they are hard to find cheap.