As of right now I have:
Jonathan Creason
Joe Brewer
Dave Church
Jay H
John Lawrence
Paul Scott
J Howland
Kevin Folkman
Tom Modin
David Robinson
Stefan Zelei
Kevin Weir
Dan VanDeWoestyne
Jeff Galat
Brandon Yuchasz
Darin Clark
Geoff Pike
Andrew Holley
I'll leave sign up open until Wed. March 3 at 5:00 pm. If anyone else would like to get in be sure to post up. After that time the names will be drawn for the swap. If any moderators are reading this, would you like to take control of the drawing? I would like to keep it as random as possible, and don't want to give the appearance of stacking the deck.
Since several people have expressed interest in doing different species we'll just say once you find out who your decoy will be going to it is up to you to get in touch with them and make sure it will fit their needs. If there are any problems we can rearrange later.
The deadline to have your decoy out the door will be August 1, 2010. That should give everyone plenty of time to come up something.
Remember, this is just as much about the process as the outcome. Please post regular updates of the decoy taking shape.