Anybody else getting SPAM private messages on here???

It showed up in my junk mail in my regular email account. Chucks taking care of it.
You guys are all too late,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I already took advantage of his offer,,,,,, I'm rich!!! Yahoo :>) :>)
Got one, was I not supposed to forward my SS#, mothers maiden name, pass words and bank account info? Live in NY so I figured it was just Cuomo's follow-up on taking all my guns. I'm working on hunting with a jack knife, really need excellent calling and decoys, but not much worry about being over the limit.

Al Koz
Got one, was I not supposed to forward my SS#, mothers maiden name, pass words and bank account info? Live in NY so I figured it was just Cuomo's follow-up on taking all my guns. I'm working on hunting with a jack knife, really need excellent calling and decoys, but not much worry about being over the limit.

Al Koz

I wouldn't advertise that I own a knife! I started cutting barbs in the points I sawed off of a set of antlers I found. Hopefully I don't get caught cutting saplings for making my spears!....
I'd trust the guy, after all he's been a fine upstanding forum member for all of five days

No worries, next time Eric has a chance to log in he'll be deleted... In the meantime serve it up with gravy.
me too, Roberts. Knew right away, I'ts an old scam from craigslist, but so transparent its hard to believe anyone ever got caught with it. But I guess theres a sucker out there for every scam
Mind was signed Tony Roberts.

There is no Tony Roberts registered here. Must have been from roberts.

This is what my message said:

I am Tony male, 24years old.

Actually, I need your assistance in completing a project in UNITED KINGDOM, LONDON. it's a deposit that was made in my names by my late father long time ago, a METALLIC TRUNK BOX containing GOLD worth millions of US $... but the deposit was made as a family valuables, I have a deposit document of the consignment.

I will need your help to stand as my guardian and to help me invest and make proper use of my inheritance, while I further my education in your country... please reach me through my private email address for more details/

Thank you,
