Anybody see the news about


I guess so. If it had been you I suspect you would have had one leave to seek and bring back help while the one that knows CPR stay there by your side just in case.
dogs trained by Professional Trainers who want to win ribbons...not practical for just plain old home trained huntin dogs....

Yep I guess so. Not to mention just too dang complicated with all the rules, 15 compressions 2 breaths etc. etc..
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the dogs were Golden's....not loyal just too stupid to find their own way home.......heck it even said they'd been lost once before.....

Add to that they were named after friggin Hobbits and no wonder you have two dogs too dumb to go find a "live" master.....

My .02.....



As moderator you need to work to make the climate of the forum friendly to the lesser breeds of dogs, so their owners are not ashamed of their choice in breeds (and further overcompensate by making us look at pictures of them "in action"). In this post you clearly cast one of the more popular lesser breeds in a less than favorable light.

In the future I would like you to consider your actions before you post.


that I never ask anyone what breed of dog that they have as I know that if they have a Lab they'll tell me......and if they don't there's no reason to embarass them by forcing them to divulge which breed they have.....

You'll get a kick out of this....a poster, who will remain nameless, sent me a note complaining about my post. Not about my slanderous remarks about Goldens, and not about my comments as to the intelligence of the dogs involved, and not about Lee using the word "prick". No, what they complained about is that I had cast aspersions on the good character of those androginous Hobbits who the dogs were named after.

I feel as if I have now surely arrived as I've now been chastised for poking fun at fictional literary characters on a Duck oriented site......I guess its true that "children" do inhabit this site....

Steve, THE PRICK, Sutton
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I believe that by my original posting of the word "Prick", that I have intellectual copy right status on it and I pray you will cease and desist using it in your tagline. If not, I will feel great compulsion to employ the hefty powers of Rod Johnston to use whatever means necessary to persuade you.

Sincerely, Lee harker
intellectual owner of "Prick"
I hereby agree to cease and desist using "prick" which I now understand that you "own" the proprietary rights to, in any way, shape or form without your permission......

Happy now?

that I never ask anyone what breed of dog that they have as I know that if they have a Lab they'll tell me......and if they don't there's no reason to embarass them by forcing them to divulge which breed they have.....

You'll get a kick out of this....a poster, who will remain nameless, sent me a note complaining about my post. Not about my slanderous remarks about Goldens, and not about my comments as to the intelligence of the dogs involved, and not about Lee using the word "prick". No, what they complained about is that I had cast aspersions on the good character of those androginous Hobbits who the dogs were named after.

I feel as if I have now surely arrived as I've now been chastised for poking fun at fictional literary characters on a Duck oriented site......I guess its true that "children" do inhabit this site....

Steve, THE PRICK, Sutton


Consider yourself lucky that it is just the Hobbit lobby mad at you and not the lesser duckdawg lobby.

If you got the lesser duckdawg lobby riled, we would be subjected to endless photos and stories of strudelhounds actually sitting still in the boat when ducks are working (to clarify strudelhounds not thier inferior cousins the frizzhound which have slightly less hair covering their eyes that needs to be trimmed so they can mark birds). The endless stories of goldens doing water retrieves on days when there was a frost forecasted teh previous day or stories of the that one day two seasons back when the loyal chessie didn't bite their hunting companion or eat their ducks. Lets just hope they don't get riled up!

And Lee... How could I have thought all these years that the "P" in "IP" stood for "Property".

I stand corrected!!!!
that I never ask anyone what breed of dog that they have as I know that if they have a Lab they'll tell me......and if they don't there's no reason to embarass them by forcing them to divulge which breed they have.....

You'll get a kick out of this....a poster, who will remain nameless, sent me a note complaining about my post. Not about my slanderous remarks about Goldens, and not about my comments as to the intelligence of the dogs involved, and not about Lee using the word "prick". No, what they complained about is that I had cast aspersions on the good character of those androginous Hobbits who the dogs were named after.

I feel as if I have now surely arrived as I've now been chastised for poking fun at fictional literary characters on a Duck oriented site......I guess its true that "children" do inhabit this site....

Steve, THE PRICK, Sutton