Anyone got a 10ft. aquapod they want to sell or trade...

I'm located on the interstate in sioux falls. I've got a two year old MLB Zack taylor wigeon in great shape with the optional grassing rails found on the chuck huff BBSB that I'd be willing to trade if anyones interested??
Thanks Ed for your help..unfort. I see this is one of the newer rotomolded models. I'm looking for the old school fiberglass, dealt with rotomolded marsh boats before and wasn't impressed.
Let me know if you see anything else! That would have worked out perfectly.
I have an older 10 foot Aquapod. Glass of course. It is in excellent shape. It will be getting a new paint job in the next few weeks.Its old enough that it doesnt have carry handles on it. I was planning on adding them. And possibly putting on a graphite/epoxy hull coating when I paint it. If your interested and can figure out a way to transport them I would be happy to trade, or $700.


I would not dismiss the poly boat completely. I do not take my glass pod a number of spots we hunt due to rocks. That's when we go to the plastic boats. Finding a boat from the NW can be tuff in the midwest, sometimes. Drop me a line at about your mlb.

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Hey Ryan there is a guy in Illinois that has a 10' Aquapod for sale. Checkout the classifieds sticky under the Illinois Flyways link on the Duck Hunters Refuge site.
