Anyone have a source for plastic buckets

Hell, I got rid of all my 5 gallon buckets and went to 1 gallon got some young bucket lackeys that can handle 6-10 gallon buckets?
Some buckets go up to 6 or 6.5 gals. Haven't seen anything larger than that with a normal bucket handle. Quick Google search turned up many sources though I'd first try my local fast food restaurant first.
also seem to have something important to do, like checking their hair, getting a stock market report on their blackberries, calling their buddies to tell them "I'm here and you're not", whenever theres any work to be done around here.

The bigger bucket is so that I can add another (3) or (4) 100' longlines in the boat without adding another bucket. the (5) gallon bucket will hold (6) 100' lengths of line. A larger bucket would let me add additional lines without taking up anymore floor space.

Pete, thanks......heck I'll just check E-Bay....probably get a million hits on any size I put in. Afterall you can find "anything" on E-Bay.....

Might check in with donut companies in your area. They typically get their filling in larger buckets.

I also get all the buckets I need from a fella who works for a tubing company. They plate all their tubing with copper and the copper comes in nuggets. They run through tons of these buckets a week and want them gone. Check with any company doing plating. The buckets are really clean also.

container takes up moe floor space than I want to lose. Plus it wouldn't have a lid...

Still a good idea and one that will work perfectly for the Barnegat where the bucket isn't practical but I need something to store the line in under the rear deck....thanks for the idea.

Check out Rubbermaids website...they have stuff you've never seen in a store. I would think a 6 or 6.5 gallon bucket would just be a bit taller than a 5 making it tippy..but I don't know.
Steve, I have a small plastic drum with a screw off lid and "D" handles. I"ll post a pic after work. I would guess it is 10 gal or so.

large capacity, "D" handles.....

"YOU MAKE ME WET"! to steal a phrase from Gilda Radnor......

I'm checking the Rubbermaid website and waiting for Eric's pictures....


Look at Rubber Maids "Action Packer" comes in 20 gallon and is rectangular with a "weatherproof seal" Bet you could sit on it too. I'm getting really excited.....

Went to the site, typed in ACTION PACKER and got "no match"....went through the tabs and didn't see it....which category is it in ?

its in the COMMERCIAL SECTION......

I've already got a couple of those.....they are nice boxes for sure but not what I'm looking for for line storage.

They are sturdy but they aren't really least mine aren't...when I was using them in the boat they were fine for rain and spray but when you trailer them at high speeds the lids lift a little bit and water will blow in. Dani could dance on them, and who wouldn't want to see that, but they aren't strong enough to support people of "our" size.....

The search continues....

but the bear got the one off the porch that had my wild bird seed in, so now I have only two of them left. They have the screew on lids> Judy got them somewhere, I'll ask her where. You can have the two I have left. One has the handle torn off and bite marks from a bear attack, but what the heck, it still works.

We get pool bromine tablets at work in what I believe is a 6 gallon bucket with a twist lid, not the snap type. Real nice if that is big enough. Try a pool supply/service place, they probably have an abundance.

If you are looking to buy, I get many buckets and barrels and accesories through US Plastics in Ohio. They have most of the rubbermaid stuff, including comercial, and other manfacturers.

Steve,you might try any food co-op in your area.We got ours (7gal) there many years ago.Some have screw on lids.
Joe O
talked to Dave and he says he has a couple of 7 gallon buckets there....if they are what I'm hoping my search will be over.....if not then I'll check out the bucket son the link....

You know I don't care what Dave says about you....other than that tomoto's on grits thing your a pretty good guy....

If you get the Polenta(South- subsitute Grits), light and fluffy, with tomato sauce on it,you'll smack your Momma.