anyone heading to Minneapolis Decoy show

Bill, I try to make it to that one, I'll know more by later in the week. Usually there are a few of us locals that meet there, lets try to keep this one near the top.
Sorry Bill, it looks like I'll be working here in Brrrmidji on the upcoming MN Wildlife Society meeting prep. Have fun and take a bunch of pictures. We'll catch up later this year for a hunt.

this weekend? Looks like I will be driving down for it again this year.

Going south for the warm weather? :)
I wish Minneapolis was a little closer or the weather was a lot nicer. It would be neat to go to an actual decoy show.
Hey Obi, that's going to be tough. Both shows are during the school year and not exactly close to Bemidji. It would be nice to find some warmer weather though! IF Ohio matched up with Spring Break here I would head down, but that's tough too. Maybe next year.
Tim if you make it to KC in march you can ride with Schupp and I to Ohio

I'll just be getting my pup then. Full force housebreaking mode engaged. :) I'd probably be led astray by Schupp anyways.

Hey -

Is this the antique decoy show where they have stuff other than just decoys? Still at the Thunderbird?

I have those very old boat stabilizers I would like to see if anyone can tell me more about them. This may be the place.

What time you going?

Mark W
Mark & Bill, I plan on being there when they open Sat. , maybe we could meet for breakfast and BS before the doors open at 9:00? Mostly decoys but other hunting stuff from the "good ol days". I usually find something I can't live without.
Driving down tonight....I might go Friday evening....need to look at times....but plan to be there sat morning for sure...
Will be good to see you again....its been a number of years since we walked around that show and I purchased my first cork hunting birds.....still have and use them.....