Are people really like this???

Everyone waved today. :) Also got my birds and got my ass kicked by the wind again. Brrr a cold 40.

Really like rural areas where everyone waves on the road. Can't wait to get away from the east coast driving mentality.
tod osier said:
Everyone waved today. :) Can't wait to get away from the east coast driving mentality.

Fully understand your desire to get west ASAP, but don't lump all parts of the east in the no-wave category. Common on my road to find a "traffic jam" because two neighbors headed opposite ways stop to chat.

I actually got my driveway plowing guy that way. The neighbor who had been plowing us since we bought the house 15 years ago had to quit for health reasons. Waved me down on the road to tell me. A third neighbor got stuck behind the two of us, and my old plow guy introduced us and talked him into taking over. (He did raise the price $10, but he's got a tractor-mounted snow blower instead of a plow, so it's worth it.)
Jeff Reardon said:
tod osier said:
Everyone waved today. :) Can't wait to get away from the east coast driving mentality.

Fully understand your desire to get west ASAP, but don't lump all parts of the east in the no-wave category. Common on my road to find a "traffic jam" because two neighbors headed opposite ways stop to chat.

I actually got my driveway plowing guy that way. The neighbor who had been plowing us since we bought the house 15 years ago had to quit for health reasons. Waved me down on the road to tell me. A third neighbor got stuck behind the two of us, and my old plow guy introduced us and talked him into taking over. (He did raise the price $10, but he's got a tractor-mounted snow blower instead of a plow, so it's worth it.)

When you are talking driving attitude, Maine hardly counts. :).
tod osier said:
When you are talking driving attitude, Maine hardly counts. :).

Well, it gets pretty ugly come summer, when the folks from MA, CT, and NJ show up. But we've got to eat, so we tolerate them if they buy enough at LL Bean and spend enough in restaurants.
tod osier said:
Only 2 boats out today. By happenstance, I came across the other party in open water. Both of us were on plane going somewhere and our paths crossed at right angles at about 100 or 150 yards. I gave a big wave and got nothing from the pilot or passenger.

Do we not wave anymore?

What's all this "waving" business? I was taught "both hands on the wheel". [ninja] [ninja]

On a personal note, yes a nod of the head to acknowledge the other boater is usual around here.

I will say when driving down the road, my eyes are usually "on the road". I see the oncoming and crossing cars, but often not the driver. Then at the very last second as they are leaving my field of vision, I see their wave. Now I'm left wondering, just who the heck was that I just met? Often later on, I am informed it was my wife in the other vehicle!

So if I don't see YOUR wave, don't feel too snubbed. [cool]
Good morning, Tod~

I'm a waver - but probably "snub" a few off to starboard since losing my right eye vision....

When you do get West, please let us know if the cars out there actually come with directionals as standard equipment. They are common here in rural New York - but absent in the Greater Metropolitan Area.

I know you cannot see me, but I'm waving at my laptop screen.....


I think every kid ought to start out with a small boat or canoe and get a taste of what a big wake feels like when some jerk flys by just about swamping you and your boat. I wave when a big boat sees me and slows down. A tip of the hat to the captain who maybe has been in my shoes before.
I think it's mostly the up-and-coming waterfowlers. You waye to them and they stick their nose up at you. I was out with a buddy who got stuck on some tree stumps and some kids blew by him with their surface drive motor not caring about safety at all. These were the same group that I shined a light at to let them know we were there. That did not stop them.