Are we all faling apart at once?


Well-known member
Geez wiz fellas, Harks not feelin good, Dave Ladder dives, somebody else has a big vein booboo. Maybe it's our demographic. cuz I'm typin this from an ICU in Allegan County. Felt cruddy last couple of days. Hands numb short of breath, you know the drill.

So this A..M. I had enough and made a run in. Now here I'll sit while the Doc goes on an archiological dig for ancient cheese hotdogs.

My best wishes to you my commrads... time for a spong bath.

Dang, we need to set up a seperate forum just for prayer requests!
Hang in there, maybe you'll get a pretty nurse to give you that sponge bath! :)
damn! Sorry to hear about that...

Flirt shamelessly with those nurses...

Aw man B! When it rains it pours. I hope you poop out that cheese dog and all gets well. I'll be praying for ya bud.
My best wishes to you my commrads... time for a spong bath.


I hope they figure out whats wrong and get you back to feeling well.

btw Hope he has soft hands... and we don't need web cam pictures of that. ;-)

Get to feeling better Brian. I'll keep yo in my prayers. Maybe we need to ask Eric for a prayer request forum. I hope this turns around for everyone.
Holy smokes batman. Ouch. Ok, let me get out another sheet of paper teacher & I'll add you to the prayer sheet. I've already filled up the last sheet. ;) Get well partner, you're on my prayer list.....count on it.
My thoughts and prayers sent your way Brian.
I like to say some thing wise and witty but I leave that up to you. You have been doing a good job so far. Like every one here hope and pray for the best.
hey, my little kapusta, i will make it a point to keep you in thoughts and prayers. You guys need to start riding the healthy trail!!
jach se lubya, pan----thank heaven phor phonics!

You're on the prayer list buddy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 'course so is the poor guy that has to give you those sponge baths!

Hope all turns out well for you.
Well Brian......... the reason I didn't call yesterday was that I was in the hospital also. 10:30 the night before I suddenly had a real pain in my chest that continued to get worse and by 12:30 I got Di out of bed to take me to the emergency room. We went to Pennock in Hastings as it was the closest to us and they transfered me to Bronson in Kazoo as they have a better cardiac center. After many many and I mean many tests....blood, xrays, stress test etc. it was determined that my heart is just fine. Not sure what caused the chest pain but I suspect it was inhaling way to much shop dust as I have been getting ready for the upcomming class plus cutouts for customers. I'm supposed to check in with my internist this week for further evaluation to see if he can pin point my trouble. I'm feeling better today and on the mend ....I hope. Give me a shout when you can.


......prayer list buddy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 'course so is the poor guy that has to give you those sponge baths!

Dave, Now you went and did it! In my mind, I saw this little 20ish year old, blond bomb shell, dressed in her colorful nurse outfit, walking into Brian's room, saying to him in a sexxxy voice, "OK Big Boy, time to get out of those clothes, so I can make you feel better!"

Yup, Brian will get better, faster, with a guy giving him that sponge bath!!

The more I think about it, she could have killed him!! hehe

Hey Brian, Hope all goes well. Will say a few prayers for you as well. HI to Robin and the kids! And please keep us informed on what the doc says. God Bless.
Been there and it was a miocardial infarction for me. Three stents later I'm not hurting but now I have congestive heart failure which is handled by taking Lasik (makes you pee constantly). Hoping to have bariatric surgery soon which may well alleviate the diabetes and help with weight loss.

If you make too many passes at the nurses they may keep your bed pan in the freezer. My wife is a nurse and they have all kind of ways to deal with smart ass patients.

Probably is part of our demographic.

Hope you have a fast and complete recovery.
That Parks guy may be the healthiest one of us soon.

Best wishes to all you guys, and I hope it isnt catching!
the answer would be yes.

I grew up ( literally) in a Dairy Queen ( in Mississippi ), don't blame it on the cheese hot dogs ( it was the fries ) ;) , docs have told me that my cholesterol level would be that of a 300 lb guy looking at his 3rd bypass, then they look at me funny. ( 5'10" 170lbs ) , they take a blood sample, shake it , hold it up to light and usually say " hhmmm not yet " ( no obvious separation of blood and grease )

hope you guys get to feeling better.

I went to see my doc yesterday for bronchitis , got some antibiotics ( z-pac ) and some REEEEEEAaaaallllly good cough syrup. did i mention the reeeaaallly good cough syrup ? I have a running scrip for percocet ( knees / arthritis / blahblah ) but this is some reeaaalllyyy good cough syrup.........

prayers are with you old farts.....

You're on the prayer list buddy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 'course so is the poor guy that has to give you those sponge baths!

Hope all turns out well for you.

Yeah, some jobs just couldn't pay good enough!

All kidding aside, Brian and Willy, my thoughts and prayers are with both of you.
