Are you an NRA member? If not, now is the time!

John L

Well-known member
I rarely post something here that is political but today I find it very important.

Our "Bill of Rights" is under attack and it is coming form all directions in every state.
I feel compelled to ask if you are not a member of the NRA please become one asap. It is for your rights as well as the rights of every other American.

I have not always or have ever agreed with everything the NRA stands for but I can put my personal differences aside and help them to defend our rights.

I'm not looking to start any heated debates. I just want to wake up the masses.

Call and write your elected officials and ask "Do you fully understand and support the 2nd Amendment to the United States Constitution"
If you don't like the answer you get tell them you are going to make sure you tell everyone you know in their district they don't support the US Constitution. Then remind them that they swore to take an oath to uphold the law as it was written.


Here is a link to join now:

Thank you
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Been a member for over 20 years, but now more that ever we need to enlist more members to keep our rights. Write your congressmen & let them know how strongly you feel!!!!!!!
If we sit back & not react to this, we will start seeing more & more of these crazy Gun Laws become the law of the land & have no one to blame but ourselves.
On and off for 40 years. Officially ON for good!

In the regards to the story In the other thread I'll be the first to say I have no information on the womans health. Was she suicidal? Perhaps. Is this a case for mental illness? I don't know. Did she have pre-existing tendencies? Maybe. Were the guns accessible to his wife? I don't know. Was he given the opportunity to make secure his guns. NO! That in it's self shows confiscation was the agenda for these officers. Worth detailed owning a gun in Australia. They didn't have a constitution protecting thier rights. If we don't stand up and together now, I'm afraid we won't have a constitution to protect our rights either! Like Mark said to many of our elected officials have forgotten the part of the oath they took to uphold the constitution and what that means. Please join the NRA! If there was another organization with the member numbers, funding and the longevity of the NRA that wants to protect the constitution in it's entirety I would join it as well!
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On and off here for almost 30 yrs. Can't say I've always agreed with their choice of words sometimes, but they are really the only voice we have in this matter. Yes, by all means, please write your elected officials. Unfortunately, I'm not sure they listen anymore. The good news is that they pay attention to the NRA!

I got myself and my children life memberships and encourage all to do so.
I upgraded my status to Life Member about 3 years ago and continue to contrubute to the action commitee. In the past when politicans have called me looking for a donation I have advised them to call the NRA because that is where my political contributions go.
No, I have been but not now or ever will be. I am a believer in the Second Amendment. I am not a believer in the NRA

The reasons, The NRA is not what they claim. They are a fear organization that is funded by the gun lobby. If you think that there leader cares about individual gun rights you are one of the sheep. I listened to him in CPAC he is all about fear. WHY because it sells guns. That is where his pay check is coming from. I ask you to think about this how many millions did the gun manufactures make from the killing of school children in Sandy Hook Elementary. The NRA drummed up fear with four or five days after that and the guns flew off the shelves.

If the NRA were concerned about gun rights and the second amendment
they would propose common sense legislation. No they worry about gun sales. We all need thirty round gun clips don't we. That is what the killer in Sandy Hook used. He fired 152 times in five minutes. If you want to read about that gory report it is out.

Wayne LaPierre can keep his blood money and rest in hell.

If you are a believer in the Second amendment, Then you would never ban anything. The second amendment was wrote to protect you against the the people that would want to take it away. It is a GOD given right. At the time it was wrote, it was a given that everyone knew that certain right could not be taken away. But the founding fathers were smart enough to see that some type of gov't bureaucrat at some time would try to take them away. So they wrote the bill of rights to affirm the rights. Like "see stupid, its wrote right here!"
This thread can get real ugly real fast...


Where have some of these people been? Our world revolves around the almighty dollar. It's all about who can raise the most financial support. From companies to churches, to political elections. It's all about who has, or can raise the most money.

Unfortunately, I don't believe our founding fathers ever thought money would be such a powerful player in society, or they would've written that subject into The Bill of Rights too.

However, one thing is for sure- Agree with everything they do or not, if it were not for the NRA, the gun freedoms we enjoy now would never exist. Just go ask the Canadiens, or the British, the Germans or the Austalians, the list goes on and on... Those countries do not have the NRA.

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No, I have been but not now or ever will be. I am a believer in the Second Amendment. I am not a believer in the NRA

The reasons, The NRA is not what they claim. They are a fear organization that is funded by the gun lobby. If you think that there leader cares about individual gun rights you are one of the sheep. I listened to him in CPAC he is all about fear. WHY because it sells guns. That is where his pay check is coming from. I ask you to think about this how many millions did the gun manufactures make from the killing of school children in Sandy Hook Elementary. The NRA drummed up fear with four or five days after that and the guns flew off the shelves.

If the NRA were concerned about gun rights and the second amendment
they would propose common sense legislation. No they worry about gun sales. We all need thirty round gun clips don't we. That is what the killer in Sandy Hook used. He fired 152 times in five minutes. If you want to read about that gory report it is out.

Wayne LaPierre can keep his blood money and rest in hell.

Pete, you are right on many levels, I love a principled decision as much as anyone and I can more fully appreciate Sandy Hook than most, BUT the NRA is all we have got. Boy do we need them now - I'm not waiting for the ACLU to protect this particular liberty.

I realize we all have strong opinions on this topic and as I said in my original post "I don't agree with everything the NRA says or stands for" but it is all we have.

Remember, united we stand , divided we fall.

I don't like to use corny quotes but in this case it is very true. We need to band together as sportsmen and make our voices heard. How ever you choose to do it is up to you but please do it.

Our rights as are under attack and it is coming form every direction.
If you live in a state where you may get a chance to vote on the issue you had better get out there and start beating the drum to get support or you will find out the hard way.

We happen to enjoy a sport that is surrounded with challenges where ever we go and this is just going to make it that much harder.
I'm not some gun crazer dooms day prepper but if I sure do feel we are under attack and it is from inside. Our elected officials swore to uphold the constitition and they are not doing it.

Know who they are and VOTE THEM OUT!

Every day town by town, county by county, state by state we are loosing our rights. It has to stop and the only way it will is for all of us to make enough noise and band together.
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