Look no further than Tod O's response. That attitude keeps people from posting and sharing.
Hypersensitive Tod - hardly. I've taken as much crap, most good natured, some not, as anyone here. It doesn't keep me from reading this site everyday. The people here are good folks, the topics interesting, and the manner in which this site is managed top notch. If I was as hypersensitive as claimed, I would have left what, 9 years ago (how ever long DBHF has been around). I just don't need to read childish comments to posts that I, or others take the time to share. His jugement of others is exactly why I don't frequent any other hunting site as people like Tod are the sorts those sites attract. I found it quite humorous his ripping of Derek using a wind operated spinner as being non traditional and therefore a reflection of Derek's character only to follow up with pic's of his boat with all the latest and greatest gadgets to catch more fish. Same thing isn't it? I must have missed the bamboo cane pole stored somewhere in the gunnels of the boat. Too funny and what a hypocrite. And then the follow up post implying credit for what the DBHF is and has become was truly a treat.
I didn't do a good job of explaining myself in my post above. I believe (no facts, no science, just an opinion) that some don't post because they don't want to be judged. Why spend the time to be ridiculed? Some may take it personal and some are better than others at handling the response. I think it is an age thing. I used to fly off the handle when the criticism was directed towards spinner uses as being a lazy ass hunter (yeah I did, no really I did). As I've almost hit Suttons age (when he was a few years younger), I've mellowed. With that said, there are people on this site that maybe aren't there yet.
I am envious of the gift that many on this site have. The hand carved dekes are a thing of beauty, the pictures shared are truly amazing, the writing captivates, the boats built are treasures. As much as I love seeing the artisty on display here, I try not to judge what others are equally proud of. From a guy who can't draw a stick figure, expecting an amazing pic from me is like hoping for a balanced Federal budget anytime during my lifetime - it ain't going to hapen.
With that said, here is my favorite all time pic that I took. Sometimes even a hack can get lucky. This was taken a few years ago when I was introducing my son Chris to duck hunting. Went to a local lake and let him take his pellet gun and a borrowed single shot 20 gauage along for the day. We didn't shoot any birds (other than decoys with the pellet gun) but it was a day I'll remember forever captured perfectly in this shot. This is what it is all about isn't it?
View attachment chrisanddad.jpg
Mark W