
You might be thinking.....

Something about Newtons Second law

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]F = d(m * v) / dt
[/font][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]F = m * (v1 - v0) / (t1 - t0)

or ummm now my head hurts


E=1/2 m v^2

And the various derivations for rotating bodies etc.

[/font][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]So seems a bit of velocity difference between three inch and 3.5 inch shells might be responsible.??

But It seems that would depend upon the payload etc etc....

3 inch shells have velocities from 1250-1500 and so do 3.5 shells...

So please enlighten me..

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With your recent photos, lots of great shots, I have a challenge for you. Can a tailgate shot be made to look artistic?

Tight Lines ... Fred
Back to " Are you kidding me"

I took a ride out to a spot where I built two blinds, my info was on them as it needs to be. As I am getting closer and I notice that the first one is missing then I see the second blind and its bigger than I had built it. Someone helped them self in relocating my blind and connected it to the second blind. Now I don't mind if someone uses them but come on. I went through the trouble dragging out 8 pallets and supplies to put them up and these guys take it upon themselves to relocate one and build a co-op out of my stuff. That's just not right.
While I'm sitting there I thought about making a new upholstered bench seat complete with a piece of carpet tackless under the vinyl with a sign asking to call me before using my blind. The guy that calls gets to flip the bench seat over the guy who does not gets to buy a new pair of waders and a pain in the a$$.
Then I thought some more and abandon the idea, although I think it would get the point across ( no pun intended)

Any thoughts?
Great idea John. I remember how much bull one had to go thru to get a blind registered in Maryland and I was lucky that I found an old woman that didn't know much about duck hunting that would give me permission to register a blind on her shore line before it became "open season" for anyone to register it. I would spend some hot summer days , working on it, putting new hinges on the dog door, repairing the dock, putting up strip boards and grassing it before the season came and it used to tick me off when I found empty shells in the blind that didn't belong to me. I was actually in the blind one morning early when a boat motored up in the dark. They didn't even have running lights and I could hear them talking about how they hoped "the birds flew as good as they did the other day." I stepped out of the blind and put a flashlight on them just before the boat hit the dock and I know I scared the shit out of them. I told them that if I caught them again they were getting turned into the warden and I told them that I had their boat registration number (but I didn't). Never saw them again. dc

Here in NY you don't need a permit to put a blind up and you can put as many as you like and almost anywhere you want as long as it's on public marsh and you take them down by March or the Derartment of Waterways will knock them down. You do need to mark them with your name and contact info but it seems that some guys just remove your name so you have no chance of winning a disagreement. I have placed a second info tag on a spot that only I know about and can just tell them to look in that certain spot and you can find another place that has my info. But I sure do like the idea of the tackless. I told my wife about it and she said I was crazy and would be looking for trouble. I would have to agree with her but I would love to see the guys face when he sits on that bench. Price of tackless $5, look on face priceless.
So your saying that if I take a tailgate shot because I don't have a Dave Shady call (but I do) and some alders available (as referenced above), that I don't have respect for my birds? That judgementalism (if that is a word) is exactly what I was trying to imply about this site. That fact the one photo gets multiple replies, and others get none because of aesthetics, is questionable enough.

I understand exactly what your talking about regarding the composition of photos. I too enjoy seeing a pic of a couple ducks composed nicely, but not everyone has that ability to a)take quality photos because of their camera and budget, and b) are able to compose such shots, as it's not something you learn in highschool. I'm just concerned that there is a potential to lose some guys from this site that are great people, because they get no positive feedback from everyone else......and therefore are deemed "chickenshit pussies" (which is real appropriate for this site) by Mr. Intellectual above.
What some of us are saying is that you shouldn't get your feelings hurt if you post a tailgate shot of a steaming pile of mallards you shot over two robos and nobody says "atta boy!" On the other hand, you will probably get a lot of "nice pics" and "thanks for sharing" on this site for tastefully done pictures that show a bit of respect for the birds. You can post whatever you like (as long as Eric and the moderators are OK with it) but some pictures just don't "fit" well on the DHBP, in my opinion. This site has been different from the other duck related online pages from day one and its why I still like it. And while I am at it, I would like to thank Eric P again for all his hard work.
I too enjoy seeing a pic of a couple ducks composed nicely, but not everyone has that ability to a)take quality photos because of their camera and budget, and b) are able to compose such shots, as it's not something you learn in highschool.

Dave, the above is certainly true. I look at a lot of the pics on here and think there is no way I'd could get my camera to produce that kind of work. Some of it is tied to having high dollar equipment and some of it is tied to just taking time to get the birds in the right pose with a good background, just like you said.

That being the case I know for a fact the guys on here that are really good with photography would be more than willing to help others. Here's what I recommend. Start a new post asking for picture taking tips and suggestions. Everything from cameras, poses, backgrounds, lighting, puffing feathers, etc. Any and all tips welcome. Maybe even some good and bad examples. You get a good thread going and we will make it a sticky for the hunting season. If all goes well some good info will be made available, folks can learn new skills, and we will all get to see some good pictures.

You in?


p.s. Dwight, Steve and I appreciate the comment.
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Look no further than Tod O's response. That attitude keeps people from posting and sharing.

Hypersensitive Tod - hardly. I've taken as much crap, most good natured, some not, as anyone here. It doesn't keep me from reading this site everyday. The people here are good folks, the topics interesting, and the manner in which this site is managed top notch. If I was as hypersensitive as claimed, I would have left what, 9 years ago (how ever long DBHF has been around). I just don't need to read childish comments to posts that I, or others take the time to share. His jugement of others is exactly why I don't frequent any other hunting site as people like Tod are the sorts those sites attract. I found it quite humorous his ripping of Derek using a wind operated spinner as being non traditional and therefore a reflection of Derek's character only to follow up with pic's of his boat with all the latest and greatest gadgets to catch more fish. Same thing isn't it? I must have missed the bamboo cane pole stored somewhere in the gunnels of the boat. Too funny and what a hypocrite. And then the follow up post implying credit for what the DBHF is and has become was truly a treat.

I didn't do a good job of explaining myself in my post above. I believe (no facts, no science, just an opinion) that some don't post because they don't want to be judged. Why spend the time to be ridiculed? Some may take it personal and some are better than others at handling the response. I think it is an age thing. I used to fly off the handle when the criticism was directed towards spinner uses as being a lazy ass hunter (yeah I did, no really I did). As I've almost hit Suttons age (when he was a few years younger), I've mellowed. With that said, there are people on this site that maybe aren't there yet.

I am envious of the gift that many on this site have. The hand carved dekes are a thing of beauty, the pictures shared are truly amazing, the writing captivates, the boats built are treasures. As much as I love seeing the artisty on display here, I try not to judge what others are equally proud of. From a guy who can't draw a stick figure, expecting an amazing pic from me is like hoping for a balanced Federal budget anytime during my lifetime - it ain't going to hapen.

With that said, here is my favorite all time pic that I took. Sometimes even a hack can get lucky. This was taken a few years ago when I was introducing my son Chris to duck hunting. Went to a local lake and let him take his pellet gun and a borrowed single shot 20 gauage along for the day. We didn't shoot any birds (other than decoys with the pellet gun) but it was a day I'll remember forever captured perfectly in this shot. This is what it is all about isn't it?

View attachment chrisanddad.jpg

Mark W
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Gentlemen only shoot over cork or wooden decoys and use SxS ao Over and unders, Bubbas use plastic decoys, Alum. boats with simi autos or pumps and dress like theyare in a combat zone. If you are interested in class wear barbour or filson clothing. If you want others to support hunting dont look like a bum wear a tye next time out on the marsh redneck. best Bill

I know you've had differences a couple of times and have gone toe-to-toe before. I sincerely applaud your honesty and persistence for standing up for what you believe in. You are positively passionate about your waterfowling and have been a huge contributor to this site about as long as anyone. The same goes for Tod. This site is what it is, the people are who they are, and this will ebb and flow over time. It has since the beginning. I'm glad you, and Tod, are here and despite your differences hope to see each of you in another 10 years. The benefits, for those that choose to give and take, are many. If as you say some folks don't participate because they fear sarcasm or criticism then I believe their fears are getting in the way of what could be a lot of good times and new friendships.

Let's see some more pics with Chris. I post a ton with Thomas (maybe even overexposed) and there is no doubt the site will gladly welcome more shots with sons and fathers.

Filson tin cloth and a tie? umm ok....The Filson company does make a great product, I have a hunting vest and a pair of tin cloth chaps....Guess I am ethical if I can find a tie that matches........or not a bubba anyway.... But what do I do with the dead bird,blood dripping tail gate shots, and the plastic decoys the wife bought me? Me thinks I will store them in the aluminum boat in the barn....where the pigeons can poop on them.

On a lighter note...I better buy more Filson...

Is everyone on edge because THE BIRDS JUST STARTED TO SHOW UP??
Or is something else going on? The sterlingworth and cork decoys are downstairs
deicing again but my young dog doesn't know why we are going for boat rides.
Just a big happy family, John
We are all a band of brothers here and it's nice to stimulate some different Idears once and a while.Yoni said we are all different yet we are all the same. best to every one and a successful season best as always,Bill
I think that is a good of the few good things about the "other" duck hunting site is their photography forum. Dizzy over there has helped hundreds of people with photography from compositions to purchasing the right equipment for a persons needs to post processing. They also offer constructive criticism to those who ask when posting pics, as have I and it is very "gentleman" like. It might be something that is a hit for this site, so why no give it a try.....however, I'm not the "ace" photographer of the bunch, so maybe someone else can start us off....I've read lots of books on my new Canon 40D, but have forgotten most of what it can do by the time I finish them. I will start the thread though, and we'll see where it goes. Thanks.


Thanks for getting it kicked off. Let's hope the pros here will have a few minutes between work and hunts to contribute.
