As Easter approaches I have BAD NEWS

Christian, do you still hipcheck the nieces, nephews and younger siblings out of the way while Easteregg hunting? Or do you wait till the walk by with their little baskets bulging and trip them?
Haha... no, my 16 year old younger brother (taller than me by 1/8" and counting) and I are the only two on the hunt- we are in it for the candy. I stopped eating candy two weeks ago so the pectin Russell Stover jellybeans will taste extra-good.

I have been known to set traps though, so "maybe there's an egg in the bathroom" turns into my brother meeting a plastic cup of water I set on top of the door.... =) For the most part we get along great...

If I could choose what tactic to take out my cousins I'd prefer the hide in a mask and scare them tactic-

That's neat- I have hunted four before, but sometimes they get grouchy and start playing chicken with eachother. So usually it's two or three. We always end up with our limit of cottontails and swamp rabbits. (I can't really tell the difference, but I'm not catching them so it's alright) My possession limit is usually about 30 pictures per trip, so if you'd like more I'll put more "Easter Bunny" pics up as the lovely holiday approches...

I'll remember that San Juan spot- I think someday I'll try a harris and that sounds like a swell place to hunt...

I have a cool dvd called "Jackapalooza" I can loan you if you want to watch harris hawks get dragged around, beaten up, dragged into holes, etc. Some funny stuff's on there.

Dad's got the snapper skull in WA with your other stuff. I want to come out in May, since I have the whole month off from school to do my falconry project.
I've got lots of places where there are lots of "Bunnies"....I gave up hunting them alot of years ago partly because it was so disquieting to me to hear them scream when they were wounded.....I imagine one caught by a Hawk can let out some pretty primevil screams.....

I didn't get to see the Harris Hawks take a rabbit that day.When we stumbled on the Falcoers they had a big flock of Chukars scattered on sage brush covered, steep, basalt cliff face. The Chukars were so scared by that many hawks overhead that they wree actually crawling into the crevices to get away from them....Mike and I got "invited" to shoot anything they flushed because a motivated Chukar will outfly a grounded Harris Hawk everytime but we never pulled a trigger...part of that was because it was so neat to watch a hawk, on the groun, trying to dig a bird out of the rocks and also because while its true taht a Chukar can outfly the Hawk that digs him out they can't necessarily get away for the partner who is smart enough to know that when one of them is on the ground trying to dig one out that if they get up high on the slope they can muster a pretty impressive stoop for a round winged hawk...the result was any shot chances we had were passed due to close proximity of a Hawk in hot pursuit....

Give me as much warning as you can when you know when you'll be here in May..Tureky season goes till the end of May this year and maybe we can get out whiloe you're here.....

Definately post pictures of the demise of the Easter Bunny..I think everyone here will appreciate them.....


we need to know.It's like Parks telling us about passing another mountain through his Pee Pee.He He
Who gives a crap about the easter bunny. I wanna know where that white fur on Mike's chest came from??

Didn't we see some guy who posts/posted on this site paint his wife/girlfriend up as the Easter Bunny? As I recall, that was some Easter Bunny.

Mark W
Oh ..I see...if I would have put "Scientific Community" at the heading of my post it would make it "fact". The "fact" still sing that song and no one today was alive when your Druid ancestors danced around big rocks...except Parks..and he ain't speaking up. Wonder what Hitch is aluding too about Mike's white fur???
me the picture and since it looked superficially like Mike I used his name on the picture... Paul Gery says....its okay to be wrong.....

I thought he said "I'm pathetic..not gay"? Well allright, as long as you admit being wrong I'll let it lie.
from our favorite "snot nosed punk"....

"I'm pathetic...and gay"....

"Girls are ookiiee"...

"when I grow up I wann be just like Elton John"...

"my favorite movie is "LEAVE IT--ITS BEAVER"...

I always liked " I'm a one man band..I play the skin flute, meat trombone, tube-a and ride a baloney pony"
No, really, he is dead. I don't know who Mike, or the cow killed, but here is the actual crime scene photo.

I thought he was probably just helping you paint the house or something of that sort when the bunny happened by :-)
That looks just like the 6 cottontails that are smashed on the road out here in front of the lumberyard..cept they weren't full of eggs.
Um...that photo of "mike" has become viral and is spinning through the "intertubes" via "internets" as we speak. US government servers will come to a stand still by friday.