rich scheffer

Well-known member
This is the puppy we kept out of our last litter. His name is Marsh. This was Marsh's first trip out to the sandbar by boat last Friday. Needless to say, he and his mom had a ball. I truly think raising a pup with a well-behaved mother is a distinct advantage. Kelly (the mom) does most of the training and discipline work!

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What a great selection of shots, Rich. I agree with you whole-heartedly on letting another dog help in training like you mentioned. In my case it is Chili. She helps me train all the other dogs. Really like the name of your boat.
I have decided to get a Chessie, but I plan on waiting a few more months and get a started dog. Those pictures do not help. Nice looking pup ya got there.
After you get your first Chessies, you will be ruined. I know
I am and will never own anything but a Chessie from now on.
Anyone from Illinois have a female that wants to have her bred?
I have a 5 year old male Deadgrass that I would love to have a pup

I have decided to get a Chessie, but I plan on waiting a few more months and get a started dog. Those pictures do not help. Nice looking pup ya got there.

Now you're talking. I've had Chessies all my life, wouldn't even think of having a different breed. They are the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tim, I hear where you are coming from. This was my Bear, my best friend, my everyday work companion, my bodyguard, for ten years. I always wanted a pup from bear but didnt want to do it while bear was too young and have the pup have to compete for my love and attention. I waited till he was ten years old to do my breeding . I am really glad I didnt wait any longer as Bear passed when his pups were only a month old. I am loving his son Marsh to death and will be tickled if he turns out to be half the dog his dad was. I have owned eleven chessies over the years and have loved every one, but Bear was special, he was one of those persons in a brown fuzzy suit. It has been three months since he passed and I still get teary eyed when I think about him. His son and my other two help with that. So I wish you well in finding the right girl to breed your boy to. Remember litters usually favor the mother more than the father.An old time chessie breeder once told me, its easier to make a good dog with a good bitch and a mediocre male than to make a good dog with a good male and a poor female. So dont be hasty, be very selective with the female you breed to.A new pup is a long term committment! Rich

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