Back in the smoke again

fred slyfield

Well-known member
We had a huge lightening storm here on Sept 10th and by the 15th we were back at it evacuating some homes on the face of the mountains, So far over 40,000 acres and several of the big fires on the Wenatchee side of the mountains have joined with ours. Since this fire isn't threatening as many homes and private property, our role is much smaller than the August fire that took out 61 homes.

The state and feds have closed the entire area clear down to the Columbia river, here is a shot of the smoke the one time it has cleared out of the valley in the last week, I'm really getting tired of breathing this stiff, did manage 2 days off this weekend then back at it tomorrow at the County Emergency Operation Center.

Here is a shot of the smoke a couple days ago after the inversion lifted for a bit


Was up at the cabins I care take for some good friends, this burned moss was carried at least 6 miles from the fire to the property!!


I did manage to sneak away for a bit and get into a few grouse yesterday.


My Dad is in Lewiston and due to the smoke and his COPD he is staying indoors. Hoping for some rain.

Up here we have had three monsoon lows come in from the north Pacific, and are flooding all over south central. You guys need this rain more than we do.
Good luck with the Fires Fred......nice to see you're getting out though....

be interesting to see how that place looks after the fires.

Dani, already making plans with your "host " to get you out for some widgeon and a tour of the fire areas, should make for some great photo opportunities

That is frightening when you see how far material can be tossed in a forest fire. Fred, I have to agree with you about getting tired of breathing smoke filled air. We had that down here with the Whitewater/Baldy complex fire. I found myself hoping for certain wind patterns that would keep it out of our area.
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Al, You can't believe how ready I am for duck season to start!! had a sore throat for 6 weeks now after breathing this smoke all summer, only 2 months to go till retirement, I was really hoping for a quiet last couple months so I could get some projects done in the office then slip out the back door. But after 2 huge fire this county has never seen in my 30 years here and several big search and rescue missions thrown in for good measure it's been a wild summer.

I am planning on spending most all of Dec and Jan in my new boat somewhere hunting, and a hell of a long way from any phones!!
