Banding with the boys...

John Fraser

Well-known member
Yesterday my three sons and I got to go along on a morning of duck banding. Three men from the NYSDEC, the USFWS, and Cornell University took a group of about 9 of us along to check their duck traps on Cayuga Lake. Their work is part of a black duck study. They will also band mallards on days when their black duck workload is light.

Here are some of the subjects after being removed from a trap.


All of the black ducks that were caught had already been banded. We did get to see how they age and sex the ducks. Then everyone got a chance to release ducks.






After a few stops to check traps the boys did spend some time playing around on the lake shore. Even did a little stonework to support the one corner of this crate.


At the last spot we were given the opportunity to band some mallards. Ben and I each got to age a drake and place a band on them before releasing them.


It was a great experience for us. I really appreciate the work these guys do and their willingness to share it with the public.
Sounds like an awesome day John. I am sure for the USFWS guys it can get old doing it day in and day out buy I enjoy it every time I get to do it. Taking the kids ads even more to it.
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Looks like you guys had fun. Do they take your info to let you know if the duck is found again?
It was fun. But no, I don't think we'll hear back on the ducks we banded. The reporting process sounds a little complicated, with the info going through different offices.
Delightful shots, John. I'm so glad that you were able to take your sons with you so that they, too, could have this first hand experience.
Very cool John...It's good for the kids to be able to get hands on experience like that. I took my son out goose banding a couple of years ago and he had a blast. Of course, our clothes were covered in "Goose Slime" by the time we were all done. I'd like to get him out to do it again sometime.
