Bankes/TDB seating question

You guys are hardcore. I went with a nice comfy couch.


But I only use that on dry days when hunting by myself, it comes in handy for naps too. On all the other days and when I have guests we sit on buckets.
Is the dog allowed on the furniture or are you one of those mean pet owners?? I like the idea, some days you just don't need to stay awake the whole day and plastic seats do not work for naps.
You guys are hardcore. I went with a nice comfy couch.


But I only use that on dry days when hunting by myself, it comes in handy for naps too. On all the other days and when I have guests we sit on buckets.

Awesome, if only there was a TV.
Since it looks like the thread has run its is a photo of what Steve is doing right now with his family:

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