bb3 with base coat

Yeh Dave how do you that ? I'm green on this lap top and don't know how to post pics,and what type of components do I need?All I have is a little Sony lap top. Can you help me if possible thanks
You can go to and open up a free account. Then when you download a photo just copy and paste where it says [IMG code] basicly it's a web address to where your photo is online
and will look something like this

Then when you preview your post the photo will show up like this


Brian, Cas and any one else interested.

Posting pictures inline: (per Eric's instructions posted on the help forum)
The lines I changed to color red are things I think a lot of people are making mistakes with. I also added some info (in italics) which may help or add to the confusion. Keep in mind that choosing "inline" when you upload a picture does NOT put the picture into your post. Choosing "inline", during the upload step, only gives you the "option" to then later enter the picture into you post as per the below instructions.
Uploading pics to the server

If you want to upload pics from your computer for everyone here to see then read on.
a. Browse to the image on your hard disk
b. If you want the pic visible in your post choose inline. Otherwise it will be a clickable link at the bottom of your post that opens in a new window when someone clicks it. Both are good.
c. Click Upload and wait for the pic to traverse the www from your computer to the server.
d. Repeat a-c if you have more than one pic.
e. If you did not choose inline that's all. If you chose inline read on.
f. Basic Editor - If you use the basic editor then place the markup tag [inline filename.jpg] wherever you'd like the pic to appear in your post. One for each image you uploaded. This tag works in the advanced editor too.
f. Advanced Editor - Click inside the text area (where you want the picture to appear in your post) to activate the toolbar. Click the
button and then choose inline. You will then see a list of every pic you uploaded. Choose them. (Repeat this for each picture as you want to enter them into your post.)
g. Complete your post and hit Preview Post.
h. If you are happy click Post Message, otherwise try again.

Remember to use step "g" you can make changes and hit "preview" as many times as needed before posting your message. :>) :>)
Thanks Dave, I will give it a whirl on the next pics when I am done camo painting the boat,you are a gentleman and a scholar,many thanks Brian Rippelmeyer
Brian, Your boat is looking great, you should be very proud of your job, wait til you get er floating and twist the tail!!! WAAAHHHOOOOOO. Waht are you going to use for power? Did I miss something or are you shopping?
Wow Brian, She looks A W E S O M E !!! Have you finished the electrical work? What is the taped off area on the forward deck for? Great work ...CONGRATULATIONS
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Tom, I have a 25hp 2stroke mercury for it,I got it from a buddy of mine,2005 model never been in the lake,had it checked out and all is good with the impellor,looking forward to putting in on the boat,Tom,are you going to LaCrosse in August?I plan on making the trip up there. Thanks for the complimant Brian Rippelmeyer
Charlie,thanks for the complimant,I have not finished the electrical part yet,waiting till I paint the grizzly grip on the floor,the masked off section on the deck is where I am going to paint the grizzly grip also,they said it adheres well to the epoxy primer, I plan on painting the floor and underneath the storage with grizzly grip,I waited ordering it,until I painted the whole boat,so I could get the correct color,I will be air-brushing my camo on next week,more pics to follow,thanks Brian Rippelmeyer
Brian, I'm sure planning on being there if they decide to let pussiewillies in. Looking forward to seeing yours up close. Now I am waffleing on which boat to bring. Not going to bring three ever again but may bring two.

Excellent job! Now you got's to hurry...them other plans is in the mail!!!!

Take care,

Ed l.
Lee, Pete,and ED thanks for the complimants,Ed thanks for sending the plans for the boat I appreciate it,going to try my hand at camo-airbrushing tonite,Thanks Brian Rippelmeyer