BBSB Update Pics

Derek Z

Well-known member
As promised, here are some updated pics. I havent had a lot of time to work on this boat lately, but hopefully these will suffice to those curious on its progress. The hull was glassed in 6oz cloth and then pulled from the forms. A little epoxy work on the fubars on the frames. I plan on cleanign up the shearlines by setting battens and cutting along them. Hopefully i can get the deck frames on soon.
11' long
52" wide
13" deep on the transom - 9" from sheer to the bottom of the hull
1/4" clear redwood with laminated frames
* this thing is LIGHT!
sb1 (Small).JPG

sb2 (Small).JPG

sb3 (Small).JPG

sb4 (Small).JPG
Looking Good Derek! I bet that hull is light....1/4" redwood. That wood is so nice looking it would be tough for me to paint over it in OD green, but most guys end up doing that.

I guess if you grassed it up every hunt, you could get away with the natural wood look. What do you plan to do paint or no?

There is something about watching A BBSB going together that is unlike any other boat IMO. Keep us posted.

I have a nice can of marsh green just waiting for me to pop the cap. The nice thing is, I have enough wood left over to do a couple of strip kayaks for the kids, so those will get the pretty varnish look. I hate the thought of painting it, but frankly dont mind hiding the screw-ups - ther have been plenty.
It has been a fun boat to build and hopefully fits the need it is being built for.
Nice job Derek.The tea spoon hull on that head on pic,tells it all.Keep up the progress with pics.We all enjoy them.Good luck.Will you put two runners in wood with half round metal??
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Hi Derek

Nice pics and progress. Looks great. How wide are your 1/4" redwood strips?

Thanks for sharing the pictures.
Being new to the site some of my questions might of been answered in previous posts of yours but i will chance it and ask anyway.

Have you built many boats in the past? Did you purchase plans for this boat and if so where from? How much more difficult do you this this classic style BBSB is then say a plywood version?

I have been reading and re reading sections of books on boat building. Last night I finally was able to say I understood the process, names of parts and theory of the build. Its looking like the next step will be to make some saw dust.
Chuck- the widest strip is about 3 inches. With redwood, its brittle and considering its cure when I built I could not get the wood to steam well or "cup" like a good cedar. I think if a guy built in green planks they could really manipulate the bending and cut down on the carvel trimming/cutting (my least favorite part).
I have built a few boats and my favorite method is strip construction, it is a bit more user friendly (IMO) and its ability to take on extreme curves is helpful. I built this in wider planks since I planned it around frames - it is a sort of strip/carvel hybrid.
The design for this boat came from a lot of sources. I had the lofting from the mystic plans, had a set offsets from a member on the site, have had a chance to look at a few Miles boxes and lastly had a glass classic on hand for modeling. The hull was designed originally as a displacement and I just tweaked the mold frames as I went to get the planning shape. For ease/speed, this might not be the method to build. Devlins broadbill would be easier and quicker with its stitch and glue approach. I wanted a really light boat and strips IMO was the way to go. If I did this again, I think I would do smaller strips in bead and cove, eliminate the structure frames and glass in Kevlar and glass.
Hope this helps.
Here is a stupid question to most, but what does BBSB stand for? I tried to look it up, but i could not find the answer.

Derek, Beautiful work! The painting was not so hard for me because I ussually have plenty to cover up. Maybe someday I will build one that deserves to be shown off. Very nice work!!!
Derek: BBSB looks great keep poating looking forward to seeing it completed, it great to have so meany on the site interested in a nice classic boat like the BBSB. Bill