Bed Time Stories sorta.........

Vince Pagliaroli

Well-known member
During the first cool nights of late August. I start to read either the Gordon MacQuarrie trilogy, or The Duck Hunters Book, edited by Lamar Underwood, every night before bed. When I'm done with those,
if it's not to deep into huntin' & fishin' Season, I move on to other classics........... Does anyone else dig into their "Library", or am I just Old School, and consider reading all part of our lifestyle?

Yes, I do the same thing. I've got a bunch of good ones, but my re-reading favorites are Connett's "Duck Shooting Along the Atlantic Tidewater", Holland's "Shotgunning in the Lowlands", Camp's "Duckboats, Blinds and Decoys", and Taylor's "Successful Waterfowling". For whatever reason, I always tend toward MacQuarrie later on, during the second half when there's some ice and snow around.

Sweet dreams,

I re-read the "Tails of the Old Duck Hunters " each year, and carry a copy of one of the 3 books in my truck to rad when SHE is in the store...


Each year as duck season approaches, I read a few MacQuarrie stories to my son. At first it was just good reading...and a dad should be reading to his kids anyway. Then it became a purposeful brain washing mechanism. Now it's tradition. Imagine all the things a fourteen year "young adult" no longer lets his parents do. But when I say "hey should we read some old duck hunters tonight?" he says sure...

He sits there and listens wide eyed, like the little boy who first heard about a Goldeneye's black patent leather bill, or the struggle across shallow bay to rescue the President, all those years ago.
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Deep down, we're all still little boys seeking adventure, crouching down in the marsh waiting, waiting for a squadron of canvasbacks to appear over the reeds, inspecting our decoys hopefully close enough to squeeze off a shot or two...
I'll recommend another good read, Wildfowl Decoys by Joel Barber. Specifically, read the Old Battery Gunner and the time Barber goes to visit the Dudleys to purchase a ruddy duck decoy. Classic...
Thanks fellas! I have, and read all the other books mentioned, plus. Keep your stories comin'. Tis the Season, and I have a Big Smile on my face. We are kindred Souls indeed.
The 'Old Duck Hunters' were my son's favorite bedtime stories growing up. He new them all by heart. "Ducks You Bat You!" was one of his favorites.
