Best Opener ever!

Neal Haarberg

Active member
I took my daughter out for the opener for her first time with a gun in her hand. My hunting partner has access to some private property that hold a lot of birds early in the season. We each took our kids for there first hunts. Right after shooting time some mallards came in and Sarah wasn't ready and with all the exitement didn't shoot. I also had my 6 mo pup with me as well. I had her tied up on a leash to keep her from breaking or just wandering around. Well she wrapped herself around my daughters leg when the next group of widgeon came in. I was starting to wonder if she was going to get a chance to shoot today or not. We were on a bit of a schedule and could not stay too late. Then with about 15 min before we have to leave about a dozen woodies circle after 2 passes we convince them to come in. She stands up a shoots and a drake falls. I don't know if she hit it or not I was focused on her and what she was doing not the birds. I asked her if she thinks she hit one. She says she doesn't know then Jacob the the other kid with us says he is pretty sure it was her. Her eyes lit up and she was so excited. I think this has been the best hunt I have had yet and I didn't even load my own gun.


Hey, dad, that is supposed to be the way it goes! Neil, what a wonderful story. Thanks for taking the time to tell it and also for including the great pictures. Your daughter's smile tells it all. Congrats to her---please.
Way to go Neal. Tell your daughter congrats on bagging a beautiful Woodie. That's the one you both will remember for all time.
I hope you frame that picture of the two of you. The grandkids will one day be impressed.

It's really good that you're passing this knowledge and these skills on to her. Too many of today's kids think meat comes from a plastic package and would be lost without their I-phone and a big-screen TV. That girl is growing up right.
That's great! You taught her well as the picture shows the gun open and in proper position.
wis boz
Sure brings back memories of my sons first hunt and first duck. It was a Woodie also. I believe he's hooked for life. Not a better duck to plant that seed of interest with. Congratulations to both of you!