Best type of adhesive for glueing decoy bodies?

Jay H

Active member
Some of my cedar blocks i made a couple years back im noticing are starting to seperate where the two halves were glued together after hollowing, my decoys are stored in my shed/ workshop during the offseason. All decoys and heads were glued with titebondIII. Did the heat get to them? What does everyone prefer for glueing bodies ?
Ditto with the comments- any brand of marine epoxy will do the job. I use it on all my hollow cedar or white pine blocks. Also for attaching heads. You may want to thicken the mixture sometimes to assist in filling any imperfections in the joint surfaces.
Extreme heat is the enemy of all types of Glue, in my experience. I use marine epoxy, as well as TB3. Also cure time, and temperature matter when the decoy was made. As cold as my shop, and materials are now, I really have to pay attention to Glue application - or I'll be sorry later. I have come to believe that Decoys take more abuse out of the water, in transport and storage. That's the real test of my decoys. You never know what your gonna find? I like the old calenders that show waterfowlers repairing, and painting, decoys prior to the season. It's all part of the deal.
I'm throwing this one out there as I did it once. I'm not sure of the correct term. When your gluing the halves together are the rings of the tree coming together or are they opposite? If there opposite it could be a reason there pulling apart.

Just a thought.

I use West System w micro ballons. Before that 5 min epoxy and saw dust from the band saw to thicken it up.

Always facing in towards one another first thing i learned when started to carve . Im thinking maybe just didnt use enough glue or something but i will be using west systems