Bilge pump freezing up

The other morning when the air temp was 3 F my bilge pump froze up, this is a new piece of equipment for me in the duck boat and I am wondering about any ideas one might have to keep this from happening. I considered just making it essentially removable, setting it by the heater or making sure its dry and just placing it in back when needed. This kind of defeats the purpose though.
Any ideas
There was a thread on the MLB site about this last week. Running it frozen will wreck it in very short order...The pro's that venture out in these temps pour anti-freeze in the bilge before going RAS calls it..Pink Lemonade..the non toxic stuff.
Not much help because I have never been able to solve that problem either. Just DO NOT use one with an auto on switch - I had one burn up (next to gas tank!!!!!!) when the switch froze in the on position and the pump was locked up with ice.

I was lucky nothing really bad happened.
A couple of posters on the MLB site suggested pouring your coffee/hot chocolate or peeing on it as a last resort!
Better than sinking.
Everybody agreed that if you run it frozen, it will burn up in very quickly.
I have had an idea for this problem but have never tried to figure out how to rewire one - I have a 3inch plate that goes in the bottom of our bird bath .It keeps the water open in a 3ft bath . It would be plenty for the bilge area and the bilge it self. If i could i would have it on a cigerat lighter so i could plug it in when i thought it was cold enough for the need .
I have had an idea for this problem but have never tried to figure out how to rewire one - I have a 3inch plate that goes in the bottom of our bird bath .It keeps the water open in a 3ft bath . It would be plenty for the bilge area and the bilge it self. If i could i would have it on a cigerat lighter so i could plug it in when i thought it was cold enough for the need .

Using that in a aluminum boat might not work due to the ability of the aluminum to transfer large amounts heat. I would venture a guess that the heating element would not be able to keep up or only liquify a small amout of water directly above the heater.
Might kill your battery also in the process, just a thought.

I use the RV antifreeze in the bilge, it does not always ensure that it will pump but works 90% of the time. Problems arise if you have to pump out twice, after the first time pumping there is nothing left in the boat but raw water.
I’ve even had that issue when hunting sea ducks; you know its cold when the saltwater is freezing in the boat. For those times when I need a pump out but the bilge pump is frozen I use a manual one
I Would not venture out without the manual one.

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Here is a goofy idea..while hunting with Gregg Kurz in his boat..he had a pan in the back where the "pee water" from his motor emptied out for washing/warming his hands. I guess a lot of Salmon fishermen have this setup...what about having a hose setup for squirting the bilge ?