Black Cloud Ammo

Hadn't seen that. I can't figure out how that 'cutting edge' will help. Looks like it would just make the shot unstable and slow it down faster. I wish hey had explained a little more about the design. Federal usually does a better job then that.
The wad design does make a little more sense to me but it looks to be for pass shooting and days the ducks aren't decoying in close. You don't want your shot staying with the wad too long if you have them right in front of you with their feet down.
Might be good for very specific conditions but I think I'll stick with fasteel.

stay away is what I was told. My brother helps out a top independent ballastican from time to time and they tested it a few weeks ago, patterns were terrible, huge holes, Pellets were getting caught in the wad and effective range wasn't any better than regular steel.
I have no experience with it other than I think it's a silly gimmick. It's my belief that the rounder the better unless you want to shoot some of those old Orvis disk loads for grouse and woodcock.

What bugs me is that they're waiting to release the flight control wad in their other loads. I use them for turkey and I'm a firm believer that this wad is the future. They'll sell a blue million boxes of that Black Cloud and when guys realize that they suck they'll drop them.
DULEX loads? And wouldn't the 40% of the load that has the "belt" in reality just equate to a largerr shot size? And wouldn't that then make this just another "duplex" load, albeit with a fancy wad and some gimmicky shot?

And here's a question.....if you already shoot a choke that is purported to "strip" the wad from the shotload would the "flite control wad be of any value"?

I'm worried....(wink wink smiley face smiley face), that I'll get TOO MUCH of a good thing and end up shooting slugs out to 200 yards....heck I once went after every recoil reducing "gimmick' on the market, each alledged to reduce recoil by THIS the time I go them all on the gun I had, per the percentages, reduced my recoil by 150 % and the damn gun just kept jumping out of my hands in the direction fired with every shot.

I really want to try this stuff, and especially so since good old Smiley Man L.P.Brezny shot two ducks with it and delared it the NEXT GOD in the shotshell world.....

I actually loved the Duplex 1x3s but once the steel load offerings were technoligically sound I think it became unecessary(maybe it always was).

I agree with you on the wad stripping choke....I don't use one so that's why I like the flight control wad. I use IC or occasionally mod for ducks and geese. And turkeys of course I use some stupid long .669 (I think) choke. When you recover those flight control wads they're always laying within 20 feet or experience at least.
I forgot where I read about one of the tests but at 40 yards it patterned at I think 92% out of a 3" 12 gauge in a 30" circle. Probably due to the flitecontrol wad. And part of that article explained what the inside of a duck looked like from the shot. You could see the normal round holes and then you could see holes with jagged edges. Just from reading about them I'm going to try them out. Plus they're only $21 a box. Only about $5 more a box then what I'm shooting now and they're faster.
sounds like it would be a hot load for those guys that love the Coyote Killers but want to shoot more but at a much cheaper cost per round......not that any of those guys would use it tat way of course.....

Seriusly sounds good for certain situations but I'd sure like to see something more than Brezny's standard, "they gave it to me for free and it kills like the plague as a result".....

I think it's a silly gimmick.
I'll vote for that! Even if the video was done so tastefully ;-) When I grow up I want to be a duck-killa! - and wear Duck-killa logo gear, shoot duck-killa shells - make it rain dead ducks; yea - that's what I'm talkin' about. Please.
Now that I know LP Brezny endorses the product I am running/speeding out of the house to buy me some.

I also liked the shirt on the page that had only one arm camo'ed and the rest of the shirt was black. What's this all about?

I'm thinking that his group of guys on this page could come up with a gimmick, sell it for a gazillion bucks (that's a few more than a bazillion for those technically challenged folks) and then support this page forever.

Why not make shot be more like golf balls? Dimples make things fly farther and straighter right?

Mark W
ATK bought Federal a couple years ago and put a big infusion of cash into R&D and Marketing. Looks like they put more cash into marketing than R&D. While I think that one of steel shot's biggest downsides is that it tends to "slice" through tissue rather than deforning and leaving it's energy in the body like lead, I don't think the Black cloud Flitestopper shot is gonna be of huge benefit.

As was proven by Hevishot, shot doesn't hafta be round to produce great patterns, it if it's not round then it has to be very dense. Since Flitestopper shot is neither extremely dense nor round, it sounds like it won't be very good at anything. I hafta give credit to Phil Robertson, though, he's been good at shilling for the guys with big $$ over the years. He's right up there with Alice Cooper and Ozzy Osbourne in creating a persona for himself and making a fortune off that persona.

I won't buy anything that the Duck Commander or L.P. promotes, unless I was already using it before they promote it.
If the Duck Commander says its THE BEST then dammit it's THE can you not beleive him after he stood in front of the Duck Congregation and swore that Featherrflex decoys were so REAL LOOKING THAT HE OFTEN MISTOOK HIS OWN DECOYS FOR REAL DUCKS?

Geez alou man don't you know the man goes to Church every Sunday and COULD HAVE BEEN A PRO FOOTBALL PLAYER? Is nothing sacred to you?

And as if its not enough to question Phil you have to attack L.P. as well? Ho can you possibly question a man who is testing shotgun shells based on the massive evidence of less than a "couple of boxes". A man who is in such a wonderful marketing position that he shoots for free at the finest of destination lodges, gets paid to write about it, gets his guns and ammo for free, and is so serious about it that he can't bear to ever even break into even the slyest of grins. A man who is frequently seen at a shotgun targeting board wearing a big caliber handgun in a shoulder holster?

Show some respect in the future huh?

Well if Breezy is endorsing it then it must be good. Bet he can kill crows during closed season up to 70 yards away. Of course they won't load it in 2 3/4 since we all know you can only kill ducks with 3 or 3 1/2 ammo.

On a serious note, I just thought what if you miss one of those saturn shaped shot and bite down on it. Nope won't be trying that.

If the Duck Commander says its THE BEST then dammit it's THE can you not beleive him after he stood in front of the Duck Congregation and swore that Featherrflex decoys were so REAL LOOKING THAT HE OFTEN MISTOOK HIS OWN DECOYS FOR REAL DUCKS?

Geez alou man don't you know the man goes to Church every Sunday and COULD HAVE BEEN A PRO FOOTBALL PLAYER? Is nothing sacred to you?

And as if its not enough to question Phil you have to attack L.P. as well? Ho can you possibly question a man who is testing shotgun shells based on the massive evidence of less than a "couple of boxes". A man who is in such a wonderful marketing position that he shoots for free at the finest of destination lodges, gets paid to write about it, gets his guns and ammo for free, and is so serious about it that he can't bear to ever even break into even the slyest of grins. A man who is frequently seen at a shotgun targeting board wearing a big caliber handgun in a shoulder holster?

Show some respect in the future huh?


Ooops! My bad, I stand corrected! Of course you're absolutely correct, how could I have been so ignorant! As soon as I finish this reply I'm placing my order for 10 cases of Blackcloud and 10 dozen FF dekes.

Thanks for showing me the error of my ways and getting me back on the path to righteousness, Steve! I was blind and now I see! Let's all get down on our knees and send a prayerful Hail call to reverend Phil!
Church of the Righteously Shorn Sheep of the "I COULDA BEEN A CONTENDA-I COULDA PLAYED PRO BALL", the Right Reverend Phil.....

Now leave some money in the Browning plate...

it looks like this stuff is pretty much just unfinished shot thrown in with finished, polished shot...and marketed as Sliced Bread.

Kinda like that other stuff marketed with the PowerBelt or whatever...was that Federal also?

Seems like the patterning would just suck out loud, with the rim acting like a frisbee and scattering the shot in a completely random fashion. But hey, that's why I'm working for a living and not getting paid to hunt and whor....uh, "write" (sorry, Freudian slip there) about my experiences as revelations from the Almighty. Which brings up another thing - exactly how many "best" products can you write about before you lose credibility?
I want him happy and content staying right there wherever he is taking his standard 80 yard skybuster with the "Fodder of the Month"

Maybe someday one of those ammunition makers would send him a couple of big thick dictionaries to shoot at...and maybe he'll take a break, read one, and understand that "fodder" is what gets eaten, NOT what does the eatin'

Refer to the term "Cannon Fodder" Brez...that means you're on the WRONG end of the barrel

a couple of little pet peeves of mine with that guy
Good point, I've wondered for a long time as to how it is that L.P. has such a horrible writing style (if he uses the term "retain" once more I'm gonna scream) and still keeps his job? He's always struck me as being a total blowhard that can't can't seem to figure out how to use the english language correctly.
I doubt it. Frankly I'm surprised that you guys are still reading him. I can't even muster the strength to read him during an extra long bowel movement. I'm more inclined to pick up the "Scrapbooking" magazine that's laying in the stack and read about how to make a scrapbook of my favorite pairs of know, use the swatches to make special treatments on the pages with photos of me wearing them.