Black ducks

THank you Mr. Pope, I appreciate your comments, glad you liked the images. I will look forward to meeting you as well.

Thank you Capt. Brian, I agree, black ducks are spectacular. Between the hen eider and the black duck, we in the Northeast are blessed! I love your eider with mussel images, you captured them beautifully. Thanks for posting them and showing off our beautiful New England species.
Kieth very shortly I will be hoping to get my new pup Amber and then I will be traveling around the coasts on vacation, so I will take my 35 mm camera with me and try and get some photo,s for you of the shellys.
take care and God Bless
Its all about Building that Bond.

This will partly explain the issue you ran into last night. Our site is configured to allow only so many megabytes of content. Post attachements use up a good share of that quota. We have close to 12,000 images uploaded in posts. When the total size of these exceeds X bytes the upload feature gets disabled automatically. I didn't realize this happened until matty docks sent me a PM asking what happened. The problem has been fixed by upping the quota. At some point I may need to go and delete some of the images that are years old but for now I think we are okay.

Keep em coming.

THank you Eddie, that would be much appreciated. I am also looking for a few images of shelducks in the wild for my Volume 2 of my book. If you take some good images and would like to have them published in my next book with full photo credit (like a few of my friends in Book 1) please let me know.

Thank you again,


This will partly explain the issue you ran into last night. Our site is configured to allow only so many megabytes of content. Post attachements use up a good share of that quota. We have close to 12,000 images uploaded in posts. When the total size of these exceeds X bytes the upload feature gets disabled automatically. I didn't realize this happened until matty docks sent me a PM asking what happened. The problem has been fixed by upping the quota. At some point I may need to go and delete some of the images that are years old but for now I think we are okay.

Keep em coming.



Wouldn't your bandwith problems be helped if guys used a third party picture host such as photobucket or smugmug and linked the photo rather than attaching jpegs ?
keith- you have kept the style and for sure the romance alive-

Cleon- i met him in 1954- his father had passed- when i met him - an odd "duck" if you will but very nice- let me pick through many of the old rig birds- he was selling alot of minis then- and decoratives- i still get the auction house cataloges and snicked at the work done by Cleon but cataloged as that of his father- its like ne new made a thing- we aal know he did- but his name does not bring the money of his father- I have 2 quail he did- i live them- I bought them right from him in 1956-

and Yes i know who got the Ramthell birds- thats were mine came from- small world-

i can name 5 carvers that i think ride the water well- Shang the most- Cobb- full deep birds- rode the rough waters off the coast well- a mass carver named Hart- i have a black i got in trade from Dr. Starr- hollow with no bottom board- like a vac duck of the 1960s- nice bird- Joe Lincoln- his blacks are very nice- ride the chop slow and sure- the geese need to be on a triangle rig- as thats the only way they can be gunned- but the blacks are well suited for the north east waters- and Wilson- can not take a thing from him!!!

I like the snakey necked crowell style- wonderful-

Be well- Off to see my Grandchildren today-

THank you Eric, just as I thought......I was posting too many images! :) My apologies and I hope I didn't cause any problems. I will be more careful not to overload the system with my spirited posting!! :)

Thank you again,

Thank you Kieth all my photo,s will be of shellys in the wild there will be none from clections, just as a foot note its interesting to to note these ducks nest in holes of trees and not on the ground like a lot of other Birds and their call is like a Laugh, thats why they have the nick name Laughing shellys.
These birds are also on the pretectorate list in the Uk . I have been told by old waterfowlers they are not good eating.
take care and God Bless
Its all about Building that Bond.
John, it's not really a problem at this point. Just has to be tweaked once in a while. If folks want to use the free hosting sites they can or they can put them on here. Either way is fine.

Keith, just a matter of timing. You were posting pics when it broke the limit. Purely coincidence.
can help someone post a picture that that doesn't mean I can "troubleshoot" other computer problems.........

At least you don't have to slap yourself on the forehead and do the "dohhhhhhhhh", thing.....

I'll do that now as they strip my sleeves of my "nerd herd" merit badge.....

Glad Eric got it fixed......


The dissappearing browse box is a pretty subtle thing. The first time it happened I had no idea why becuase there is no message or warning as to why it went bye-bye. I don't remeber how I figured it out but not knowing won't get your nerd badge revoked.
Hi Keith,
Great pics my friend. The only trouble is that I'm going to run out of storage room and I've only got a 320 gig harddrive here. ;)
I had trouble with one of my web programs (Juno) and I can't post pics using that one, even though it's an internet explorer program based.
So........I used Internet Explorer and that became a problem also.
Now, to post, I use Mozilla and it works great, whether I'm loading to this server or using mine.

I love the Blacks. Being on the Barnegat Bay we get lots of them. I probably see more of them that any other species of waterfowl when I am hunting except when the Brant arrive. A lot of the areas that I hunt don't have a lot of Mallards and they aren't my passion anyway.

I think now that you have gotten some of this picture posting out of the need to get back to carving :) This site is addictive. Glad that someone with your knowledge and skills has come to our neck of the woods to talk quack. As poor as my carving and painting may be, you cetainly give me a level of perfection to aspire too.

God Bless!
That's good information to know Eddie....I will write down the "laughing shellys" name in my files.....I can see a new shelduck decoy in my near future with a title inspired by your information!!

Thanks again,

Thanks John (again) another fascinating story.....I had heard that Cleon was a little bit different than his dad! I have seen so many birds over the years that were obviously Cleons, not his fathers. and you are correct for sure, more money for dad's birds. I am familiar with CHarles Hart, I love his black ducks, in fact I drew a little inspiration for my "North Shore" black duck from his work.

The Rathmell black ducks......I was referring to my friend the game warden (K. D.) who originally bought them from Mr. Rathmell and kept them in his collection for awhile before he sold them to Mr. O'Brian. I wasn't sure if we were talking about the same person? I also appreciate your insight into Mr. Lincoln's birds, I had heard that about his goose decoys, but never heard anything about his black ducks....thanks for the information, that's good to know. I do have an old and large Lincoln slat/canvas goose in my small collection. It is really beat up and worn, but to me it is really charming....I can only imagine the stories behind the wear! And Mr. Wilsons decoys......just the best! Thank you for the comments about my "oversize" Crowell black duck. That is one of my "beamy" Crowell style black ducks....they can sit right along an eider decoy in the sea, and behave like a decoy should. Just needed a bit more beam, and it now floats like it should.

I hope yu had a great day.

Thanks Mike, what else can we ducks are the best!!

I am not sure if I have reached my image posting limit yet, but it gives me a nice break between sanding, priming, and painting! I am very glad that I came over thanks to a friend who suggested it. We all have artistic levels to aspire to, and that is the healthiest thing (artistically speaking) for us to strive for. We should always try to improve our work, it's what is in our creative hearts!

Thanks again, please post some of your decoys.
