
Jon Zuccolo

Active member
So I got a limit of blackjacks today (yes I am bragging, because I very rarely even come close to a limit :p ) and was cleaning them... do you all breast them out or pluck em? I usually pluck all my teals and mallards because I like to roast em and save the cooked fat for potatoes, but am not sure about the divers... Is the fat on these guys OK, or is it bug tasting?

Also anyone got tips on how to get that skin off easily? I ended up using a fillet knife like skinning a fish... That stuff was stuck on like glue!
Oh, and I would like to add that those guys were an absolute hoot to hunt! They come in like rockets and decoy very well (our puddle ducks here in oklahoma are very wary now). Never went out looking for divers before, and it was very fun!
I've never had issues with the fatty ringnecks i've shot...I will usually breast my ringnecks and filet them like a fish, but sometimes will take the beasts with he skin on and it adds great taste when grilling them....

They are a bit difficult to breast out...compared to teal anyway....

I agree, Jon, they are fun to hunt and when they are in the area you sure know about it. I love the sounds their wings produce when they come into a spread.
Glad to see you did so well.
Ringnecks are a real PITA to skin. I've found they are easier to pick than breast.

Here in VT, they frequent areas with wild rice. As table fare, I find them to be on par with mallards and blacks.
Ringnecks are great birds. WHen you are in a spot they want to be, the action can be fast & furious.
But like others noted, they are a pain in the butt to skin.. I cut the breast off and then fillet the skin off like I'm skinning a fish fillet.
Ringnecks are almost completely vegetarian, they normally taste as good as any puddle duck.
Ringnecks are good birds, here's what I do. Just take the beast then cut each breast long ways. Wrap with a pepper of your choice and a piece of bacon, next put it on the smoker. I usually keep them frozen till dove season and put them on the smoker. When we come back from the field they are ready. Alot of fun..