anthony m coons sr
Well-known member
Hunting ducks or geese is a great sport and there many ways to do it. Whats your blind of choice? Over the years I have hunted ducks and geese just about every kind of way. Layout blinds , floating blinds , boat blinds,sink boxes, pit blinds, stick blinds, there all good and if you kill birds their great. For me I love the boat blind. I can take my blind any where I want where I hunt. I'm not saying its the best but it is for me. Stick blinds are great but not where I hunt. I have built and help built many over the years. But on the Hudson River and in its bays. High tides and ice take them out every year. I have seen some wonderful blinds take out. It make you cry if you built them. Floating blinds are a great blind also you can take it almost any where . I have hunted in them with a full kitchen, bunks a bar. Really great things to have. I had one the Mother of all blinds. Twenty or so foot long four bunks bar stoles ,stove, heaters. But guess what !!! some jack ass shot it up and put it to rest on the bottom of the river. Just because he didn't have what I had. Layout boats are really cool if you like hunting that style . I was always to big to do that . So I tried it and moved on. Sink boxes are really nice but here in New York you can't use them. And trust me on the river you really don't want on. Pit blinds are really rally cool. The birds are in your face and eye level. If they are coming into the field your hunting. I like all of these kinds of blinds but for me the boat blind is the best. How about you? my youngestView attachment IMAG0343.jpg
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