Bluebill vs Mallard (boats)

lol... tough hunting ! my buddy at work did the same thing this year. plus his dad shot a 13 pt out the bedroom window as well. the plans are really just that.. plans. if you read through eric's wonderful step-by-step like rick suggested, you'll see what's actually "involved". I'm sure you'll have no problems translating these plans to wood. i guess what i'm saying is you aren't going to get a "first cut this piece, now be extra careful as you sand down the little splinters.." from the plans.


Kind of a weird year. Scaup, the redhead I told you about, today I found out 2 guys got three more redheads. Me, all gads and mallards. If you head this way let me know the week before.

You have the plans already, how tough does it appear to be to build?


BTW, took me 5 minutes to get my 9 point off the porch this year. These long hunts are killing me, the coffee was getting cold.
Thanks for all the help guys, looks like a bluebill after the season is over.

Rick, been reading it, looks doable, just have to take my time.

Jeff, not expecting that much, just dimensions. You should remember from teaching me carve I can be a bit particular? well, never mind. BTW, thanks for the lessons.
