boat blind

Rocky S

Last year I built a boat of my own design using the hull of my fishing boat as a modelfor the hull of the new boat, and the top constructed similar to a Kara. It didn't work out so good, in that I didn't make the hull strong enough so it split. So this week I decided to use the fishing boat as the hull. The whole idea kinda reminded me of a redneck who puts a pickup cab on stilts and uses it as a deerstand.

Had to cut a hole in the deck to mount the bow light.

Plenty of room inside, the width of the boat is about 50" and the cockpit is 36" wide. I cut the old floorboard in half and used it for the sidewalls, attached to the cockpit with 4" gate hinges.

I put 2 3/4" drywall screws in the sidewalls to hang the fast grass. I used bungees to hold it open for hunting and hold it closed when trailering.

I push it around with a 1952, 3 1/2hp, Evinrude Lightwin that actually belongs to a hunting buddy who doesn't own a boat. I has been painted, I plan on putting it back to original over the summer.
Managed to kill a drake mallard and a buffie hen. The Gadwalls worked all morning, but would swing by just out of range and land in the middle of the outlet. Had a canvasback work the outlet, but he never got close enough for a shot.

The Mallard met the same fate as the Colts will next weekend.

All grassed up.


The setup.

Your post just goes to prove that you don't have to be some wellie-wearing, moleskin-clad, Barbour-totin' corporate executive ninny-cum-boatbuilder to get in some successful duck hunting. Well done!

To those of you who have jobs or clothes that resemble my intentionally incendiary stereotype,...if I mad as much money as you, I'd just spend it on decoys and more boats anyway. :)

Guess I've been spending too mcuh time on the "other" forums.
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Hey Patterson,

Don't you meen Bears 38, Colts 27? I thin kit should be a good game though. I know the line is Colts -6 right now.