Boat design

Hey guys I have not had much time to get on here since moving out east. Been traveling alot for work but with all those nights in hotels I have taken advantage of having a CAM software system to play with and created a boat design that I want to build once I have a garage. I was wondering if some of you could take a look and give me your opinions. It is based off the duck hunter I built a couple of years ago with some slight changes.







I think it should work well but would love to hear from some experiance builders out there in case I missed something.

The guys at work were giving me a hard time saying it didnt look like much of a hunting boat so I armed it! LOL



I think your plans look awesome! Please keep us posted on your progress, I can't wait to see the finished product! Your buddies may be right, the US Navy may want a few of those!

LMAO!!! At times I'd love to have the version in your last pic. It would work great for those a$$s that set up 10 min. after shooting time starts, 75yds down wind of my spread. I think a blast shield behind the rocket pods would be nice& change the missiles onthe sides to torpedos, after all this is a boat! Seriously, I like the lines, straight panels~ easier to build, looks like a winner to me! Let us see it as& when ya get to it.