Boat ID...


Anybody here recognize this boat?


Neat looking boat. That motor is from the early 40's. Pretty fancy rig for the period. I'd like to know the history myself. Of course the boat may be newer than that.
I know nothing about the boat, just stumbled across the picture. I really like the lines on the boat, was thinking if I had a make or model I would have a place to start on google to try and find some other angles. would like to build something like that... I have had the picture floating around my hardrive for five years...
It is one of the few boats Ed has not owned in the past few years if that is of any help. Should narrow it down a little.

Mark W
Hahaha....Don't listen to Mark. He's just jealous...;-)

Really though you just don't know what works for you until try one........all of them! There are those on the site with a much larger fleet than I've had.
Don't feel bad Ed, I am presently paying registration on 5 boats plus a layout lol! duck boats are like potato chips, you cant have just one. To be honest I have thought about adding a few more, here in MI there are so many types of hunting to do, i can't imagine being tied down to one style. my son is 14, before he leaves for college I have sworn we would have a sculling boat to put some hours in...
Yep...My wife is pretty happy with me being down to 3 from a high of 7. She lost count one year and was madder than a wet hen when she found one in the basement when she was putting Chirstmas stuff away. She swore up and down I had sneaked one in on her and wanted to how long that was there and how did THAT cost! It took her awhile for her to quit bringing it up but I don't believe I ever convinced she was aware of when I bought it. Sometimes turn about is fair play. She hates it when I bring up how much was that outfit or where did those shoes come from!...LOL