Bodybooting sillys

You could pound in a length of re-rod of sufficient diameter to fit inside your conduit, then slide it down to nest. This would allow you to rotate the silhouette you are hiding behind to always be oriented at a right angle to approaching flocks, as well as lend some movement within the spread. One thing I like about silhouettes is that they create the illusion of movement without motion. Another option would be to purchase a length of 6061 T6 aluminum tubing in .125mm wall thickness, rather than conduit. I think 6063 T5 would be an adequate alloy choice as well, and slightly cheaper.
Another good reason to NOT put a GoPro on your gun. Never could understand why I would want to point my gun at anything that I wanted a movie of. Head cam, yes. Dog cam yes. Gun cam hell no.
Was trolling around the net and found this on an Avery Forum...what's wrong with this picture???

I mean besides the fact that those goose decoys aren't even close to hiding him and he bought most the bands off ebay.

Chuck et al.

I'm anti prostaffer to the max... also anti (buying/selling) bands on ebay. Stupid if you ask me... on both sides of the coin.

But.... I'm curious as to what is the driving force behind a comment like this.

It's not the first time I have heard it or seen it on forums... just interested in understanding where the judgement comes from.

Was trolling around the net and found this on an Avery Forum...what's wrong with this picture???

I mean besides the fact that those goose decoys aren't even close to hiding him and he bought most the bands off ebay.

Chuck et al.

I'm anti prostaffer to the max... also anti (buying/selling) bands on ebay. Stupid if you ask me... on both sides of the coin.

But.... I'm curious as to what is the driving force behind a comment like this.

It's not the first time I have heard it or seen it on forums... just interested in understanding where the judgement comes from.



Maybe I'm profiling, but to me most of the activity on such places as the Avery Forum tends to involve such posers that would have prostaff labels and/or would be highly possessive of bands (to the point of buying them). Additionally if the poser pose, acting like he's getting low without really hiding didn't tell you stupid, the gun barrel pointed at the camera should.

If that didn't clear it up, you're going to have to be more specific as to what part of my jocularity you were offended by.

I was not offended.. just curious.

I actually concur with your assessment of the picture and situation.

Rather than trying to criticize your judgement, I was merely interested in learning more about it in order to better understand my own. We are of the same breed. Apologies if it came across differently.
Back in college I had some friends who put pipe insulation on a couple dozen super mag shells making them floaters. They would put them out in the water and sit on little wood marsh seats they built. They wore dark brown coats sitting there and would hunker down next to a decoy when birds were working. Those guys killed a bunch of geese hiding in those big decoys. I'm old enough now, that I think a layout boat would be better than standing in the water.

Maybe a guy could mount a silhouette on his gun barrel kind of like the mojo turkey fan decoy they use for sneaking turkeys. Just hold your gun up in front of you when birds are approaching.
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How 'long' and tall did you make the silo bodies?

thanks again


Almost 48" wide, about 21" high on the back and 32" high head. I basically built the box with a safe gun angle, and freehand drew the first swan to cover as much as possible.
